
Well-Known Member
More than possibly. A Great Writer.
I felt bad after posting that as I was lazy and didn't qualify my statement…..I just left it hanging out there unsupported…….I only brought it up because it did have an impact on his reception in society and a hit on his legacy that has now been removed some.


Active Member
I felt bad after posting that as I was lazy and didn't qualify my statement…..I just left it hanging out there unsupported…….I only brought it up because it did have an impact on his reception in society and a hit on his legacy that has now been removed some.
I wouldn't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Winter is hard on my joints, I get off work and die lol.
Love watching him most the time.....
i bet you have that "alpha dog" approach to work…I did. I couldn't stand not being the best in a crew, not that i was always #! but I always worked at trying……there's a story behind that but it's too long to type right now…..I should have another toke hahahah


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
absolutely…..possibly a little light in his loafers before it became less of a stigma
Stigma indeed! I remember seeing people involuntarily committed for just that behavior! I was horrified but when you are the student you keep your mouth shut and get through, vowing to change things, when you are the teacher. That's why I think every young guy on this board should consider a career in law enforcement.

Change only happens from within. If we don't step up and take those positions when we see the inequalities, do we have a leg to stand upon to complain?

What really frightens me is the fact the youth are becoming disenfranchised, calling for external change, historically synonymous with civil war.


Well-Known Member
What really frightens me is the fact the youth are becoming disenfranchised, calling for external change, historically synonymous with civil war.
Well, we will just have to give them more vapid music and television. Really crank up the war mongering culture we are, were violence has permeated everything.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well, we will just have to give them more vapid music and television. Really crank up the war mongering culture we are, were violence has permeated everything.
Oh that's all smoke and mirrors. We are apex predators from way back. We have all the violence built in us. The problem we have today is we are not teaching our kids about how to sublimate those urges. Worse we are heading into a disparity of wealth that breeds a fight. You can not disenfranchise 99% of the population unless you are getting ready to de-populate.

How do our kids engage in this war? How do they fight the drones? Exoskeletons are online, full drones are being tested. The biologicals are almost perfect. They are finishing the statistical medical model. I do not want to see the next 100 years. I am grateful for my arrythmia.


Well-Known Member
from last summer…leslie takes HUGE image files, I can't change her……..the iMac has 250g flash drive and a 1t disk and she's about 1/2 filled up the disk….I have a 3t external when I get time I'll organize that…someday…..good to have a MacBook Pro…..2 people on one pc would cause friction in this house.

View attachment 2923777

A trail with a bench and boardwalk, you must be on the west side of the Oly's, Hoh Rainforest perhaps, just off 101? I'm just a dude from Kansas who moved to Port Angeles 8 years ago, fleeing from that god awful, illegal to grow state (thats another story) was the best choice I ever made. I invested in a low budget DSLR about 4 years ago to try to capture those shots that only few get to see (I love to hike). I'm still working on it, it's rare that I actually get the shot to look as well or better than it was to be there, but when you do, oh man what a feeling.


Well-Known Member
I, for one, am excited to see the next 100 years. Not sure I'll be excited about being 134, oh well. Trade offs.

I probably posted this before, but the law enforcement talk reminded me of it. I heart NY!

That's my cop pose


Well-Known Member
A trail with a bench and boardwalk, you must be on the west side of the Oly's, Hoh Rainforest perhaps, just off 101? I'm just a dude from Kansas who moved to Port Angeles 8 years ago, fleeing from that god awful, illegal to grow state (thats another story) was the best choice I ever made. I invested in a low budget DSLR about 4 years ago to try to capture those shots that only few get to see (I love to hike). I'm still working on it, it's rare that I actually get the shot to look as well or better than it was to be there, but when you do, oh man what a feeling.
That's on the Washington coast just north of Long Beach…it's in fact at a wildlife Refuge called Willapa State something or other…..we make day trips from home in cougar and Up by Forks and Olympic Penninsula we would need to overnight, which i fully intend to do next spring…I try to shoot at 100 ISO most times and as large an F stop as is reasonable while still having some choices on the shutter speed and I bracket…..take a ton of exposures at different settings to find the one I like, imagine trying that with a film camera……I also quit using post capture editing…


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they can have Bratton back.
How much snow you guys got up there now?
Where I am not much. Enough to cover everything, turn into ice, and make doing anything outside trecherous. I have never experienced frozen earth before. I had to dig out a path to the cat house yesterday using a fucking pick axe. It took a bit to break through the frozen snow, but once through the frozen ground stopped it in it's tracks. Never thought I'd be pickaxing a path in Southern California.


Well-Known Member
my dyslexia kicked in on this post.. as did the medibles.. not saying what I thought you said.. but this gif would explain a bit

That's funny my man.
Having had to deal with white power groups trying to intimidate my mom I assure you that's far from the case for me.