Well-Known Member
Not every girl wants to be married . A lot of people change once you have the "title". I like being in a relationship where both of us know the other could leave that night if they want to, without any liability or strings attached. I think it helps people act right lol. Been with my man for 3 years now...maybe we'll get married one day but def not rushing it. Sometimes a guy can convince himself he's ready when he's really not (women too). If you can hang around for a few years because you choose to, not because a piece of paper binds you, says a lot about the relationship imo.I was really trying to stay out of this, but something struck me. What is bf thinking being with you for 4 years and not proposing? That's a long time. Our young friend letsbake is a smart man... knows when he sees something good to try and hold onto it.
sorry to bring it back up, lol, not really