Yeah, everyone's a dick here.
But it's because they're on the internet all day.

It makes them crabby, and blue, not like Pyru. No Vitamin D, or E or whatever.

Haha.. you're cracking me up.

You've been very nice to me and I really appreciate that. Thank you. :smile:
Haha.. you're cracking me up.

You've been very nice to me and I really appreciate that. Thank you. :smile:

No problem, I'm just bored at 3:11am... :D
I am gonna try to do comedy eventually though. Just gotta collect more real life funny stories.

22 minutes till 3:33. The witching hour or somethin like that I think...
someone's mad, he's searchin for friends.
Now I'm not hackin on either kronika or Rainbow with this, but it's oddly appropriate after the "not not" festivities. cn
(I miss Rainbow. UB, you did us all a disservice running her off.)
