
Well-Known Member
You remember those awkward erections we used to get in high school? Like, we'd just be sitting in class, minding our own business, when all of the sudden, HELLO! And then it wouldn't go away and you'd have to try and hide it by holding your books in front of your crotch when you walked down the hallway?

Well I didn't get one of those from watching this video.

LOL! I had one of those throbbing boners in 8th grade English, when my teacher asked me to come up to her desk. I picked up my books to block my stiffy and she goes "why are you bringing your books? leave them at your desk" Now, I went to a private school and had to wear dress slacks, so, it was nearly poking out of my pants. If Eddie Murphy's Raw had been out a little sooner, I'da said "no thanks, I'll take a zero for the day". I just stared her in the eye and did the bend over 90 degrees to try to hide it. GD jr high.


Well-Known Member
LOL! I had one of those throbbing boners in 8th grade English, when my teacher asked me to come up to her desk. I picked up my books to block my stiffy and she goes "why are you bringing your books? leave them at your desk" Now, I went to a private school and had to wear dress slacks, so, it was nearly poking out of my pants. If Eddie Murphy's Raw had been out a little sooner, I'da said "no thanks, I'll take a zero for the day". I just stared her in the eye and did the bend over 90 degrees to try to hide it. GD jr high.
Hahahaha! Great story, dude.


Well-Known Member
Aww, thank you April and Bud. Infidel I cannot tan to save my life. I only burn. I can't even tan in a tanning bed. My skin will simply have nothing to do with it. The positive trade off, though, is that my skin is super soft in a way that most girls have to lotion daily to be.


Active Member
no prob hun. that's my main thing about "gringos" though. alot of your kind can't catch a tan. i had a gf in high school that would get red after the beach and get peely skin like a reptile. that must be a sucky problem to have for you guys. luckily us dark people don't gotta worry about that.....just about not getting darker. LOL


Well-Known Member
i traveled to europe once to see what i could see. a gf asked me to take her cabbage patch doll and take pix of it where ever i went. here's me and clifford in front of the eiffel tower. that doll made me a lot of friends too. here's another of a young girl from new zealand. she was amused that i brought it with me and we became friends. she was traveling alone. as was i. we went from dover england to france, then onto paris together. i kept in touch with her for a few years after that.
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Staff member
i traveled to europe once to see what i could see. a gf asked me to take her cabbage patch doll and take pix of it where ever i went. here's me and clifford in front of the eiffel tower. that doll made me a lot of friends too. here's another of a young girl from new zealand. she was amused that i brought it with me and we became friends. she was traveling alone. as was i. we went from dover england to france, then onto paris together. i kept in touch with her for a few years after that.
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wow thats awesome!!! :) alsoi love that photo of you at the eiffel tower!


Well-Known Member

Hi guys !! La Hada has stopped hiding!!

I cant believe I´m going to be 40 in a few years time !! This pic was taken in August on a sweltering hot Barcelona Summer night.