
Well-Known Member
Good times! Been at the cup the past week or so, was quite entertaining to read the 30 pages since I been gone. And there were actually 4 people who posted pics of themselves!!!

I have so many comments to add, but will just leave it.

Here's a couple for you

This is Mr. West, Jigfresh, and DST having a smoke break.
View attachment 2417247
And a picture of our little 'puppy'. He obviously a cat but dude is so fucking big we call him our puppy. He was 21 pounds last time I checked. His name is Lewis Hamilton. :)
SAM_1803 (1024x768).jpg

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ill be there when you end up homeless.. what kinda food she like?
she eats Orijen . . . . . . .you should just stick to you candy/tumor pedigree or some other crap you think is normal for dogs to eat . . . . or jsut steal what you want from others

https://www.google.com/shopping/product/16017339074595962256?q=orijen dog food&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=Tiy&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=38897761&biw=1582&bih=778&sa=X&ei=LYGuUMmCHYGeiQLM7oDoDQ&ved=0CMYBEPMCMAk

Free-run chicken and turkey, whole eggs and wild-caught fish are farmed or fished within the Canadian region by people known and trusted by Champion Petfoods. Quality is never outsourced! The first 5 ingredients are FRESH MEAT, which are low in calcium and phosphorus, helping to ... more »

pretty sure you , a, baby blue collar factory worker will probably be out of work before me sadly to say . . . . tell you what when you get laid off send me a PM and ill think about sending you some meds . . but wont . . . ill just send lots of pics of my stuff, that i earned vs stole or swindled someone out of


Well-Known Member
kuroi you're only 20??? you've got good tone in your arms. how tall do those heels make you? i love dress up. do you have matching heart panties?

Fuck! I keep losing all my posts on clicking submit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Yep, I'm 20

- Thankyou, though I thought they looked a bit squishy having not worked them at all and being in hospital- this was them two years ago

-My ma's arms are looking good for nearly 40, eh? Hope I look alright when I get to her age

-I am just over 5ft and those are my first and only heels, purchased online for $30 I am not a bags and shoes girl, I've liked buying myself frilly lacy lingerie for years as a self esteem boosting thing. I used to post pictures here but it got too 'controversial' Woo, my shoes... Really I handed over the $30 because bows were present lol

- So yes, I have many heart panties and undies in every pattern and colour you could dream of.Particularly my red and black playing cards stockings and matching Alice In Wonderland booty shorts lol Love dressing up; japanese street fashion/traditional fashion, gothic Lolita, Cosplay, I make animal costumes, love video game tees, rockabilly/psychobilly etc every day of the week. I love the artistic side of putting an outfit together and drawing/designing costume, not the materialistic side. I operate on a budget. Fuck trends, fuck the catwalk, fuck designer labels.

Thankyou PadPad #^^# I guess it's up to Tip Top to document my wardrobe from now on and decide if I am allowed to share or it's all for his private collection... XP He is a classy mofo... I want to dress him up like MrDarcy X3


Well-Known Member
WTF!!?! Is that your mom in the black dress with white hearts???

I love how much you enjoy sharing yourself. People like you make life fun. :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
He he. That's her ma alright. If its true that girls end up looking like their mothers then wahooo :-) I can see where kuroi gets her looks from.