http://tsacmoc.wix.com/cppg#!gallery/c1p9k gallery of outdoor i got some shitty nug pics too check out the dried weed

Looks proper.

stop knockin these nugs.... go jerk off and come back ready to behave.

this NoGutsGrower seems like a nice guy.... your the one all entangled with LEO right? that doesnt make you cool bro.

I know what it feels like to have your crops inspected and have no trouble.... but, eventually it is Just harassment and it really sucks... especially when your privacy.... doesnt exist anymore.

And when you have not intestines (NoGuts) it's even more of a bitch because you're sick and in pain when they come over.
Then your shit will look even worse! I've tried the spinpro, trim reaper an automatic one that has balls that float around in it and a couple others! They all SUCK! they fuck up the buds!

really??? in my experiance they kick ass!!!! and all u gotta do is do a quick lil go over with the fiskars... i liked them all but i think the trimpro.. is that the one that looks like 2 salad bowls and has the hand crank? the wet trim on it was awesome.. the dry trim sucked...
lol jelousy...... hahahahaha dude shit blows ur garbo out da water son...... keep hating on my shit..... all the hate encourages me to grow more and make more money.....
I posted current pics for a reason, I'm calling your bullshit! lets see some thing that you didn't buy! lets see what you're working with right now!
I agree with ngg they do suck! Smashes the buds and strips alot of the trich off, its a no buano

i respect what ur saying.... u just have to be carefull... it does kinda fuck with thricomes a lil.... so does dumb ass trimmers man handleing buds... thing is if u got 100 or more units... it dont fucking matter... it rather machine trim 10 pounds a day in 10 hours then one pound every 10 hours by hand... esp if im going to get the same fucking price per unit for it... wouldnt u agree.... why work harder work smarter
no camera no cell phone and um i got a webcam so dont hate brb
Here come the excuses..... I took pictures just for you for a reason. Not to show you my best but to do exactly what I said and have no confusion of ownership! If you have/grow fire weed you should have some all the time!
i respect what ur saying.... u just have to be carefull... it does kinda fuck with thricomes a lil.... so does dumb ass trimmers man handleing buds... thing is if u got 100 or more units... it dont fucking matter... it rather machine trim 10 pounds a day in 10 hours then one pound every 10 hours by hand... esp if im going to get the same fucking price per unit for it... wouldnt u agree.... why work harder work smarter

I HATE PEOPLE WHO GRAB THAT SHIT.... its like you can have that one and if you do it again your fired.
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool ur a fucking tool... u see me in pics next to plants... u see plants growing with huge buds.... u see vast sums of money.... lol.... ur fucking retarded... and furthure more dude was right.. go rub one out... cuzz we both know u aint had pussy since pussy had u..
Yes I see pictures. I have pictures of me at buddies crops as well. If you grow fire weed you should have some now. Lets see it!