Hygienist... Do you do deep cleanings? And do you use the water jet thingy.. I forgot the name of it.

yes, I do deep cleanings (but only on bad people) with the water jet thingy...otherwise know as the cavitron or ultrasonic scaler. On the good people, I just squirt a little water, puff a little air and let the pick from the prize box:) lol
Don't worry. He pops up every now and then. It won't be long before we see him up to his old shenanigans again. :p

would you just look at that, i mean, just look at it.. :D

i have to say that saying really irritates the poo out of me, sorry see4, and i too love the new and improved see4, he's a good dude imvho, and still has the same humor..
yes, I do deep cleanings (but only on bad people) with the water jet thingy...otherwise know as the cavitron or ultrasonic scaler. On the good people, I just squirt a little water, puff a little air and let the pick from the prize box:) lol
Im not a good teeth brusher, i dont get the prize box :):):)
(space reserved for pic of me hugging a wine box.. if wifey gets me one.. they say ask and ye shall receive so... hope they meant this too!)

she should be home in <30mins.. the anticipation is killing me

she really does love me I guess...

I love seeing pics of RIU members....I like to picture you guys talking when you type. It's easier to picture when you have a face in my head.
Is that whole box o wine going to be gone tonight?

I can finish her in 2 days.. but tonight I cant get toooooo drunk have to fix the grandfolks breakfast at 7am and I am up by 4am so got 3 hours to deal with any hangover I may get..
3rd 24 oz glass... btw