Doc there's a whole website builthawaiinmenwithdreds.com
I lost the dreadslocks already :( I was sooo bummed after I cut them. took forever to grow it. but I'm starting it over again. my hair is about a little longer than shoulder length at this moment. should have dreads in 2 years, lol
break one down on the glass table while i roll up this bill...
This will lead to excessive masterbation, dont do it ;)
I have personally never tried anything but weed, hash and mushrooms once...but they didn't work. I was around for the 80's too but I skipped it.
Ohhh. I was 25 years old before I even saw marijuana lol. I've never seen any other drugs in person. I've seen the effects of certain drugs on people....I can usually tell what someone is high on based on their behavior in the hospital, but I've never actually seen the drugs themselves. You'd think someone would've snuck them in or something, and i'm sure they have and we didn't catch it, but the only thing I personally ever found anybody sneaking in was bad meat.
The mushrooms at the grocery store don't work, I can confirm this.

hahaha...actually, someone made mushroom tea, I was 16 at the time. I just took a few sips and got worried I'd O.D. lol, I did see light tracers though. Apparently they grow wild here where I live, I might have to go looken one day.
hahaha...actually, someone made mushroom tea, I was 16 at the time. I just took a few sips and got worried I'd O.D. lol, I did see light tracers though. Apparently they grow wild here where I live, I might have to go looken one day.
hey lady i pm'ed you ..stop ignoring me
Dude you don't have to tell me lol.

My sig speaks well enough for anyone wanting to try acid :)

I'm cool with having my brain drip blood down my spine. Thanks though :D