
Well-Known Member
Duct Tape will work wonders there bro , no worries myself .. Mom was Ojibway/Ottawa Indian hence not much facial and body hair regardless of pops being a furball german
I got the opposite, same genetics. Too much hair. Mom never shaves her legs, dad can grow a beard in aweek.


Pickle Queen
since when don't you have avi pic!?
Since right now, I'd rather have a fun conversation than collect likes, people have ruined it, random pics are not posted daily, just annoying at this point, u can't even have a convo without u know who posting another pic, god enough already we all know u love urself lol


Well-Known Member
My favorite tour was the Anti Christ SuperStar, we had Preachers and Nuns screaming at us in the parking lot while casting us all to hell so to say hahaha
The first time I saw him he had the club torn apart by the crowd because he kept getting shocked by the mic and nothing was done about it. Shit was crazy, I got out quick.