
bud bootlegger
that's ok dizzle, but this is the coc that i grew up on and loved, they had a different singer back then, mike somebody another, i forget by now...



bud bootlegger
and here's another good on, eye for an eye, that was the album i was thinking of before... this is for the sannie and krew lovers out there, i have two packs of these beans, lol..[video=youtube;4sa7WGzfxV0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sa7WGzfxV0[/video]


Well-Known Member
well i have elicit pics up on here but WTF al delete this later, one is me high as fuck other at a mall (am so black u can't see me in the mirror :)
(al put em back when WEED is legal EVERYWHERRRR!!!!)


Well-Known Member
sd1 (2).JPG
(SD)Shaggy Doo hat...

And this is actually me...

Still don't want to show my face though :)
I want to keep my real Facebook hirable, even though no one hires me anyways...


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it Fin, my boss found my profile here after a pingback on our website sent him and he hasn't got a problem with it X3


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it Fin, my boss found my profile here after a pingback on our website sent him and he hasn't got a problem with it X3
Last job I got fired for not being Mexican, but because he couldn't REALLY fire me for that, he did it for us being late(moments late, in a warehouse full of illegal Mexicans) and high...
well thats an understanding boss :shock: i almost got fired for talking about it :(
Similar story...

We Smoked everday on the way to work, during lunch, and right after work :) :) :)

New floor manager came in...Fired in 3 days...


Well-Known Member
DIDN'T fire a Mexican that told him he shoots up meth AND heroin though...BULLshit...

Just cus I'm 75% white...Bullshit...