Yep been at it all day, sorry about the shit earlier but some of my buttons are hairy.Its all good.

my first comment was to g00sEgg cuz he was like rapid firing jokes.

and its cool man. the last thing i wanna do is offend anyone, especially on here, we're all potheads man. i get it, you were actually over there and were like brothers/sisters with the other troops there. and you guys had a job to do that put your life in danger, meanwhile other people were back home eating mcdonalds and watching porn in an a.c. house, and your driving 5 mph, stoppin every 10 feet cuz there may be an i.e.d. down a shitty road, in a shitty town, in a shitty country. my brother in law was national guard in afghanistan, my uncle was a contractor in qatar and kuwait, my cousin was in iraq (marine), and my other cousin (air force) was also in iraq and they told me some shit man...its sad. my cousin worked with explosives (eod) in the air force, his humvee hit an i.e.d. and 2 people riding with him where killed. he had to have reconstructive facial surgery, he lost 10 teeth and almost lost his arm and i grew up with this guy. my cousin who got seriously injured, the govt took hella good care of him. but my other cousin and brother in law both got screwed on their signing bonus and scholarships. my uncles been in the navy for years and is a CW05 (no idea what that means but he tells me he's important) so he was probably pretty comfy over there.

i come from a very military family. i havent posted for a few hours cuz i realized i havent talked to my cousins in forever. i got one cousin on the phone and we were talking. he told me its like a family over there and when you come back shits different. and he said he isnt surprised someone took exception to my comment. i just want you to know im not just some jerk off who watched a video about 9/11 on youtube and thinks he knows everything. i get it man, no worries, just smoke a bowl for your homies still over there.
I appreciate it when I bump into folks who have worked with major operations.....Mechanical, Hydro..Geo Thermal...ETC........When I was very young...I worked with a company that designed all the Hydrolic systems for United Airlines flight training center......all the hydrolics for the flight simulators....one of MANY huge projects spanning a thirty plus year career

I've had my share of water under the keel my friend.
Tons of Certs, notably Caterpillar.
24 years in the CG, 14 on ships - mostly in the South Atlantic/Caribbean & Alaska.
Ran a shop out of St Louis with a couple dozen Machinery Tech's & Electricians working on CG construction barges/tugs with cranes. We were a traveling band of mechanical wizards.
Fun times.
Livin the life in AK now guiding hunters & fixing (relatively) big ass boats.
Props if he really is a CWO5.
Pretty big shit bro.

yeah hes been in the navy since high school. i remember when i was younger my family went down to virginia beach cuz he had some ceremony for like a promotion, it was a pretty big deal. that dude is a beast too, like 6'4'' 240, all muscle, lookin like The Rock and shit. he hasnt responded to my facebook but my mom told me hes a chief warrant officer 5. i asked what that means, she hasnt responded.
yeah hes been in the navy since high school. i remember when i was younger my family went down to virginia beach cuz he had some ceremony for like a promotion, it was a pretty big deal. that dude is a beast too, like 6'4'' 240, all muscle, lookin like The Rock and shit. he hasnt responded to my facebook but my mom told me hes a chief warrant officer 5. i asked what that means, she hasnt responded.

CWO stands for Chief Warrant Officer - generally they are looked down upon both by the enlisted and officer corps pretty much until they hit at least CWO 2. CWO 4 was the highest when I was in & looking at the ratio, to make that - he's done something commendable.
I've had my share of water under the keel my friend.
Tons of Certs, notably Caterpillar.
24 years in the CG, 14 on ships - mostly in the South Atlantic/Caribbean & Alaska.
Ran a shop out of St Louis with a couple dozen Machinery Tech's & Electricians working on CG construction barges/tugs with cranes. We were a traveling band of mechanical wizards.
Fun times.
Livin the life in AK now guiding hunters & fixing (relatively) big ass boats.

FANFUCKENTASTIC......another contact for my files in AK....I love AK....I'm close to closing a deal on 40 acres near Anchor Point....:-) ..With an air park!!!!
CWO stands for Chief Warrant Officer - generally they are looked down upon both by the enlisted and officer corps pretty much until they hit at least CWO 2. CWO 4 was the highest when I was in & looking at the ratio, to make that - he's done something commendable.

I think it still is the highest ????
CWO stands for Chief Warrant Officer - generally they are looked down upon both by the enlisted and officer corps pretty much until they hit at least CWO 2. CWO 4 was the highest when I was in & looking at the ratio, to make that - he's done something commendable.

My Sister is a full bird Kernal!!!......I'm proud of that girl!!!!....I did my stent in the military as well!!!.....
CWO stands for Chief Warrant Officer - generally they are looked down upon both by the enlisted and officer corps pretty much until they hit at least CWO 2. CWO 4 was the highest when I was in & looking at the ratio, to make that - he's done something commendable.

my mom (my uncles brother, lol) told me he entered the navy as enlisted and got his education. she said shes not sure what school he went to to become a warrant officer, but hes somewhere between enlisted and full officer rank (almost her words verbatim, she was in the army for about 5 years too so i assume she know what she's talkin bout, she's currently a.....police officer...but my moms the shit). she also said hes attained the highest rank he can in the navy and hes currently working for/as Seabees, a construction force for the Navy. he and my other uncle (also my moms brother, her side of the family has deep military roots), who retired as a captain in the army, got pretty far in the military and i am very proud to call them my family.
Your mom is a cop?

yup. and a cop in the city i live in. and she knows i smoke weed. in fact, i was sick about a week ago and she brought me over some soup and crackers and shit. i had my bubbler just sitting out. she asked me to "at least put that away paraphernalia away". and out of respect for her i always do when she comes over, but i was sick at the time. when i was growing up my mom caught me smoking weed so many times...and then had to go back to work policing some shit. but yeah, shes a cop. or at least used to be. she got hurt on the job and had surgery. now shes suing the city because they're being dicks about it...so im not sure how much an employer likes bein sued by an employee.

and im a racist too, remember....jk,lol
one of the dudes on the UK growers thread died a week or so ago from an OD, chaz was involved by all accounts. Fukkin orrible stuff!