She said yes......

Thought you already were.
the weight is probably from weapon mounts? and the ammo compartment, thats probably bare too, blowoff panels maybe, and halon mounts..?
Yaaaaay! Details please? (I'm a girl I love this stuff!) Did she/ you cry? Were you nervous? How did it go down? Did you mud wrestle afterward? When's the big day?

Yes she cried, I did it on mothers day morning, I first video me asking the boys if they were ok with me marrying their mom and gave them a rose each to give to her and while they were giving it to her I was behind her and tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around I was on one knee and asked her to marry me.

No mud wrestling, well unless you count anal as mud wrestling ;) It's September 6th of this year....
Yes she cried, I did it on mothers day morning, I first video me asking the boys if they were ok with me marrying their mom and gave them a rose each to give to her and while they were giving it to her I was behind her and tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around I was on one knee and asked her to marry me.

No mud wrestling, well unless you count anal as mud wrestling ;) It's September 6th of this year....
Oh that's what she meant!
How come Sunni never replies to me?
Yes she cried, I did it on mothers day morning, I first video me asking the boys if they were ok with me marrying their mom and gave them a rose each to give to her and while they were giving it to her I was behind her and tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around I was on one knee and asked her to marry me.

You sir, are the Boss !
Congrats and enjoy your lives together my friend.
Yes she cried, I did it on mothers day morning, I first video me asking the boys if they were ok with me marrying their mom and gave them a rose each to give to her and while they were giving it to her I was behind her and tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around I was on one knee and asked her to marry me.

No mud wrestling, well unless you count anal as mud wrestling ;) It's September 6th of this year....

++ rep

That was soooo sweet and to include the boys, how thoughtful. Sept. 6th is a lucky day. My Ann. is Sept. 7th. We've been married over 20 years.

PS: this was under images for cannabis themed weddings:

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