fuck off @mainliner

Also - some people act like themselves on and off the internet. I am one of those people.

You go against everything I believe in with truth, trust, and most of all - fucking fun.

I'm bored with you now - leave me alone.

Go fuck yourself with a cup of tea.

Also - some people act like themselves on and off the internet. I am one of those people. ............

you have to know yourself first, before you can act yourself yessy babes
Also - some people act like themselves on and off the internet. I am one of those people. ............

you have to know yourself first, before you can act yourself yessy babes
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...one minutes you're a dude and the next a chic...seems you're having gender issues
Just a dude up in MN seen my brothers grow for years I'm new to this site

I gotta say - I really like all the Minnesotans I have met in my life. You kids could be CANADIAN!

I live in the bay of Thunder (Thunder Bay) and I go stateside from time to time. Love Grand Marais, and especially like it up the Gunflint trail.

That's just about all I know about MN.

If that's even the right state! hahaha
I'm a bullet reloader love pistol shooting. You traveled to nice area I ride my bike up to Ely almost every summer.

Minnesota people complain less and work harder than most. We have to... our shitty weather means everything is tougher owning a house, driving, working out side.
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I'm a bullet reloaded love pistol shooting. You traveled to nice area I ride my bike up to Ely almost every summer.

Minnesota people complain less and work harder than most. We have to... our shitty weather means everything is tougher owning a house, driving, working out side.
And also - VERY NICE to strangers.

I judge a place on how nice people are to people they don't HAVE to be nice to.

Everyone in Minnesota said "Hi" back to me when I said hi to them. I like it there.

Yeah...I think I get it why some people think Canadians are annoying. I literally say "Hello, good-afternoon, lovely day, enjoying the sunshine are we?" or some combination of those things to everyone that walks through my space at a given time. Also I say hi to dogs. hahahaha
And also - VERY NICE to strangers.

I judge a place on how nice people are to people they don't HAVE to be nice to.

Everyone in Minnesota said "Hi" back to me when I said hi to them. I like it there.

Yeah...I think I get it why some people think Canadians are annoying. I literally say "Hello, good-afternoon, lovely day, enjoying the sunshine are we?" or some combination of those things to everyone that walks through my space at a given time. Also I say hi to dogs. hahahaha
Ok - it's kind of sickening, but I'm a little bit like THIS:

My old roommate LOST HIS MIND when this movie came out - he was convinced that I was actually born a cartoon. hahahaha
We live near Mt St Helens and have enjoyed many trips to Trout Lake Wa and Glenwood Wa, I know we are in Glenwood because if you wave hello in a car or where ever, they always wave back
jeezus, is it just the word mainline you dont like? try not to run this member off, like you tried to do me...
