Well-Known Member
Ditto brother,ditto!!!
the three pics I've posted are quite literally the only three pics of me,that I know of,apart from my old mans funeral!
i feel for you too in regards to the darkness cast by the leaving,loss of a truly loved one.
i have never been the same since,she ,I mean her loss changed me totally!
15 years!!!
ive been accused of being arrogant,self obsessed,even so far as to being accused of being a womanising prick!
nothing is further from the truth!
im 35 and only wokked. 7!
and2 of those I felt for properly,and one was the one who scarred!
not too funny though,at least I didn'tthink so!
kuroi! If you are out here can you tell me why my iPad has changed from a nice sized whole bottom of the screen keyboard to this shit now,tiny! And half on the other side of the screen??? Not happy with it! I hate the laptop,now I fucking hate,apple mac!
Yeah... accusations... of things so disgusting and sick I cant/wont even talk about them... it was all just lashing out from the pain of loss and regret on her part anyways... went through way too much and should have listened and nipped it in the bud a long long time ago... or stuck it out to tend the blossom. I am healing though, rediscovering parts of me, growing and changing. I still have more than hope for me n mine

I dont use ipads or macs... for some reason I kind of just click with windows.