I'll always see J.K. Simmons as Garver from Oz.

Oh lord me too.. He was in Extract and this was the 1st time I had seen him outside of OZ.. he was pretty close to the same guy.. called everyone dingus..

[video=youtube;oEV7KoThshg]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEV7KoThshg[/video] 29 secs
I loved Christian's Hammerhead, but my daily skater was Powell's Lance Mountain.

Figong! Adding his mug!
yup! the hammerhead was my favorite. I liked the cabbalerro the best. the shape of it was cool. I believe it was one of the first boards with a kicked up nose

and @figong ~ finally see the dude behind the avatar. right on man. I would've never thunk it man. awesome!
Here is a pic of me, the ruthless dictator of Figongistan. Barely awake, tired as all hell.. and 1 hr 40m late.. hahaha


Don't ask about what bulb I was under. :P

Well I'll be damned!!!!! I made sure I was on at 10:00 AM.....then I was like WTF.....The Figster had a change of heart....and now...there you are........I know you from somewhere......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LMAO
yea fig.. you look familiar for some reason.. you have one of those familiar faces i think..

He does ha!!!! But the guys are right, he could double for J.K. Simmons.......now back to thinking......where do I know you from......hmmmmmmmmmm lol.....this is interesting figster!!!
Whats happening out East See4. I'm in the mood for Surf & Turf. I know you have a bunch of good places out your way!

ha! funny you should mention, i was up in the north shore this weekend, went golfing then headed out to Gloucester, went to a local dive for surf and turf... lobsters caught that morning and clams that friday... wanted oysters but they did have a good catch... besides, theres nothing like cali and north pacific oysters... my mouth is watering just thinking about it
ha! funny you should mention, i was up in the north shore this weekend, went golfing then headed out to Gloucester, went to a local dive for surf and turf... lobsters caught that morning and clams that friday... wanted oysters but they did have a good catch... besides, theres nothing like cali and north pacific oysters... my mouth is watering just thinking about it

Slurp slurp....you dog!!!! Ohhhh thats awesome...thats the only way to eat seafood....catch of the day...there is nothing like it!! and your right....the Pacific Northwest puts out some of the best oysters. There is this little place in down town Denver that fly's in Pacific NW oysters daily......along with other fresh catch....Its not far from Coors Field....It a little pricy but its cheaper then a ticket to Seattle.....:-)
missing or most wanted? lol

I think it's a toss up!!!!! But I am leaning towards missing cause most wanted dont usually post pictures of themselves...lol speaking of which, did any of you see the footage of the guy who walks up to this store after hours....the dude is in his PJ's...looks inside....gives up a perfect picture of his MUG, goes around the corner, comes back with a mask on, then starts to bash in the window only to get spooked by something....take off running....trips over a curb stop, falls flat on his ass....then scampers off into the darkness........That footage is so dam funny to watch....I'm sure its out there somewhere. I saw it recently on the news.
Best oysters come from the east cost of canada impo. Kumamotos are to mushy for my taste. I like firm salty cold water oysters like malpeques or raspberry points but caraquets are my fave. My favorite oyster i ever tasted i found stuck to a rock in the ocean. :):):)