Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
he was the father of grunge, put the pacific northwest on the map.. so pretty significant for his time..imo
Actually he openly admitted to be trying to do exactly what Mudhoney was doing. THEY are the real fathers of Grunge, sorry to correct you there. The thing is, he was there when the big labels caught on, and got invited onto the bandwagon to be the 'poster child' for Grunge.

And if you want to look at who was Grunge's main driving force, it was a duo in the name of Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman. They invented the whole 'Seattle Sound' along with producer Jack Endino who literally crafted it from the ground up. Sub Pop Records are the REAL stars, and they never get any cred...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
take it to the music area folks you guys have taken up over like 3 pages on kurt cobain
If I had to wobble into the music section, I'd have an angry mob wielding torches and pitchforks at my doorstep in a day or so LOL. Point taken, will leave the topic be. Apologies for trolling it up here Sunni. My bad.