picture uploading


Active Member
maybe i should have put this in the noob section but wtf. I cant seem to figure out how to upload pics to an album on my page. Also i was able to add a journal entry before and don't seem to be able to now for some reason????? any help????:-?:-?


bud bootlegger
i've had a few people ask me this same question as i have some pix on my page that i put up years ago, but for the life of me, i can't seem to remember how on earth i did it, lol..
sorry i can't be of more help, but maybe someone else can chime in and shed some light on the matter.. :)


Active Member
out of 57 views no one knows the answer not eve the mod that answered??????? wow and i thought i was just being a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
LOL, it's hard to see but I had to look it up before myself. Just view your album and in the black bar you'll see it say Upload pictures ;)


Active Member
wow it is in there:) thanks alot GS. Is it just me or does it take foorever to upload a pic from a file on your comp?
LOL, it's hard to see but I had to look it up before myself. Just view your album and in the black bar you'll see it say Upload pictures ;)


Well-Known Member
it takes forever when you upload in your profile or album, sucks. i think someone needs to change some colors, it took me forever to figure out the picture thing as well :peace: