Pictures included, what's wrong?

2nd ever grow attempt and first attempt actually having female plants. have 4 plants about 2 or 3 weeks into flowering. At first it seemed leaves were just falling off even though green, even younger smaller leaves too. Then a few days ago I trimmed away a lot of fan leaves on all plants, and didn't seem to have any more problems. Looking now some leaves are still turning yellow but with some brown too not sure if I'm still having some sort of problem or not.

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Well-Known Member
if you are using the 20-20-20 from your journal, you might be over feeding. have you checked the runoff ph? hope they make it
No I haven't been using that 20-20-20 for over several weeks now just bloom package and Budcharge.
Damn must be the fungus gnats because I have been dealing with them. I actually also don't have a fan, part of the issue I suppose. I had gotten rid of the gnats for a while with nematodes and yellow sticky cards but it seems some have come back and so I put out some new sticky cards.


Well-Known Member
It sucks in flower but I got rid of fungus gnats by letting my soil dry longer between feedings and a couple hours after I do water I spray he top of my soil with fungicide 3 from Walmart...then lightly again when the top inch of the soilis dry..ibwait to water again till the pot is really light and feels like thebsoilnis dry all the way I said it sucks in flower cuzz u want to keep ur plants stocked up on nutes but it worked