I bought lights from Ali and while they aren’t “fake” I didn’t not receive what was advertised. Seller claimed to use Samsung LM301b/h but the diodes on my lights are not SMD3030 class chips. When I called them out on it they claimed they shipped me the wrong order and that the lights they mistakenly sent have lm281 Samsung chips. An easy way to tel is to measure the diode. The lm301 is 30mm x 30mm, a perfect square (hence the 3030 in SMD3030). The lm281 chips are SMD2835, so 28mm x 35mm. They are rectangular. I honestly have no way of knowing if they are actual Samsung chips. I’m not that worried about it. I got some cash refunded and the lights are well constructed and throw down plenty of light. The lm281 is not a bad chip by any means. It’s just not the latest and greatest.
Ask the seller to send pics of the actual light you’re ordering and make sure the diodes are perfect little squares if you’re buying lm301 equipped boards. Here are some close up shots of mine for reference. Notice how they are ever so slightly rectangular?
They go by a couple names. SGL or Sungrow Lighting or the parent company Sundopt.
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