Pictures of your DIY lights - Post your pics!!!

And what's the power draw from the LEDs on the fans?? Which driver did you use for those? Lol!!
I used 2 MW apv12-12's for 2 fans each. The 140mm fans use 0.5 amps (the lit ones i dont think even need any real power to run them. They're just 4 tiny little single diodes) and the MW's got an amp on em. So I needed 2. It's all on one single wall plug though. Just wired together.
Check out the pics here. One box has the power input and the other one has a potentiometer and the pass through outlet. The COBs are wired in series and just one pot (dimmer). I don't know the thickness of the aluminum sheet, my buddy that built it with me picked it up.
OK I think I understand what you did with the power pass through, I see a third cable going from one box to the other. What is sticking out of the box in back, a power switch? Or do I still not get it?
They're tiny little leds. They don't put off any noticeable heat whatsoever. And if they did, it'd be instantly sucked away by the fans anyways. I was gonna get 2 more Nexus fans to match but the price increased from 5.99 to 9.99 so I said f that, and went with those cheaper rosewills for 4.99 & it's all good. Everything turns off when the timer flips.
True, but those are RED leds, and they could be very inefficient, and there are 4 of them per fan...just saying...there could be heat involved.:fire:
Coolj, the page u pointed to says each fan uses
230ma=.23 amps U could use 1 MW apv12-12
To run all at once, they are pretty inexpensive,
Got mine off ebay. Gl OG
Ya meanwhile apv 12-12 had an amp of current so at 0.23 per fan, you can run on it. Nice find.
I used 2 MW apv12-12's for 2 fans each. The 140mm fans use 0.5 amps (the lit ones i dont think even need any real power to run them. They're just 4 tiny little single diodes) and the MW's got an amp on em. So I needed 2. It's all on one single wall plug though. Just wired together.

I was just teasing.. You've been great answering all my questions.. Thanks much!

It's all good...just liked your lighted fans...and pulling your leg a little! Your build looks good!

(I'm jealous of those fans)

And if you don't want to spend money use old phone charger to run your fan @5V it is enough...I have my 120mm @4.5V on a gradable 12V universal psu that I paid 8$(7 €) and if I need more power when the hot day will arrive I just have to turn it up to 7V...but no need 12V if you have a good fan...of course with a 50mm fan for a big hs better have 12V but as everyone here use good fan on good hs 5V is enough (and no noise! )
Almost finished my e-scrap light.
Distance between the middle of the COB's is 400mm, it's made for a Darkroom 80.
The LPC-150-1050 (90%) will be replaced by a HLG-185-1400 or a HLG-240-1750 as soon as possible.
The Delta 12V & 5V Power supply is a bit overkill for powering 4 fans, but it's very reliable.
The heatsinks orange casings will be removed so i can fit 0.8W Sunon 80mm fans.
Total weight is about 7.5 kg.; the thick metal perforated server bezels weigh 1 kg. each.


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Almost finished my e-scrap light.
Distance between the middle of the COB's is 400mm, it's made for a Darkroom 80.
The LPC-150-1050 (90%) will be replaced by a HLG-185-1400 or a HLG-240-1750 as soon as possible.
The Delta 12V & 5V Power supply is a bit overkill for powering 4 fans, but it's very reliable.
The heatsinks orange casings will be removed so i can fit 0.8W Sunon 80mm fans.
Total weight is about 7.5 kg.; the thick metal perforated server bezels weigh 1 kg. each.

Cool! Nice design

i wanne post some pics of my new lamps, i did build 4 of them.

One bar use 3 * cxb 3500k cd and 1* elg-150-C-1400b, but atm i run all my bars at 700ma.
At 700ma i can run them passive without any problem, they dont got even really warm after 12 hours on.
For future i have the possbility to run the leds with 1400ma, but atm i dont need that. With 1400ma i need some fans for my bars, i think.

I use 1-10 Volt dimmer ( SLV 470505 Potentiometer ), works pretty good.
All my cables use Wago Winsta Mini connectors, pretty nice connectors but not so cheap if you need some more.
'The Heatsink i use is this: extruded heatsinks/PR/SK121_/index.xhtml
Total weight of one bar is 3,8 kg.

If someone has some question, please ask:)


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