Pigs on RIU?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
SOmeone likes something you say they click in that star of david looking thing on the left below your avatar and you get rep points the more rep means the more ppl like what you have to say.;

also as you get higher reps the reading of your reputation changes just hold your curso over the blocks under your name.....
and waht if someone says something you don't like. Seems a little unbalanced to me.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
honestly? you want my opinion?? I had the same thing happen to me.. EXACT same thing. I thought the same thing (thought it was the popo).. but then I asked him his age. Dude said he was only 16. That explains all of it.. so I no longer spoke to the kid. I'm not about to teach a kid how to grow cannabis.. kids should be out playing with their friends and playing sports and shit. Not worrying about growing cannabis. Just MO though.

So, common sense.. just be careful. There's a quite a few kids roaming this site, and theyre not hard to pick out. Just a fair warning..

Duuuuude, that's all it took for someone to convince you they are not a cop?? I'm not saying they are or are not, but someone telling you they're 16 and that aleviating any fears of them being police. Yikes!


Well-Known Member
Duuuuude, that's all it took for someone to convince you they are not a cop?? I'm not saying they are or are not, but someone telling you they're 16 and that aleviating any fears of them being police. Yikes!
Didn't you know you have to believe what people say lol


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about that donation/subscription thing but is it worth it I wish I could preview the threads and other features it gives you. Does anyone know more about it?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about that donation/subscription thing but is it worth it I wish I could preview the threads and other features it gives you. Does anyone know more about it?
they closed that down....it no longer works.............if you got in on it in the beging you keep whatever the bennys were but no new ones now.


Well-Known Member
there are a few ppl that donated to RIU can unlike........but thhey dont do that anymore so only a very few can do it now......but they are out there.
i used to have the power of neg rep...then i lost my elite status :(

never neg repped anyone either...i'll just tell them they suck in a post so everyone can see.


Active Member
I've always assumed there are LEOs on here and probably on every other "questionable" site. Sometimes I think I'm be a little too paranoid sometimes, but then I hear about somebody getting busted and I think maybe I'm not paranoid enough...


Well-Known Member
I've always assumed there are LEOs on here and probably on every other "questionable" site. Sometimes I think I'm be a little too paranoid sometimes, but then I hear about somebody getting busted and I think maybe I'm not paranoid enough...
Yeah I know what you mean its kinda sketchy some times, but without this site a lot of people wouldn't be growing.


Moderatrix of Journals
i guess what it boils down to is: if they *want you badly enough, they're gonna get you, internet forum, proxy, etc. or not.
the ones who have access to that information don't need to be on here.
it's our job as individual growers to make sure that any low-level lowlife's trolling for a break don't get it here.... i'm a proponent of the 'hope for the best, prepare for the worst' lifestyle and it's safe to assume that there are leos on here, whether they're on our side or not. (we can't forget the nice folks at LEAP) (<- leos against prohibition)