Pills Help 1st time!


Well-Known Member
hahaa right on man, back when i did that shitt i had never heard of white diamonds. but damn that shits crazy fun, get yourself some loud ass music with lots of bass.

make sure you don't drive! speeding feels too good. DO NOT DRIVE.

peace and have fun!


Well-Known Member
hahahha.. =) ..ya I have had some CRAZY experiances driving comedown, like still buzzing a bit but loosing the feeling also they were quite trippy pills also they were cut with a bit of ket to add some visuls.. id be going along fine then i would blink and realise that i had been in this like wierd non thinking state and couldnt remember the last several mins... crazy stuff.. luky it was at 5 in the morning so no other cars to worry about.. ya i wouldnt recommend driving on E.


Well-Known Member
Just get some techno/trance music, some glow sticks, some vicks, and a sack and you'll be set, if theyre good pills that is