Pills, Pills, PILLS!! Any of these any good?


Well-Known Member
note none of these drugs should be taken for recreational uses and should never EVER be taken without a persciption your welcom


Active Member
i personally dont mess with pills to much. vicodin is cool tho
vicodin, or hydrocodone are the best high out there..but very addictive. you will need more to get high and you will get hooked. i know cause i have been ther, done that. xannax is great getting me through when i have no pot to smoke..like now.:confused:


50 milligrams of trazadone will make you sleep for 12-16 hours and if during that time you try to get up and walk or do anything you'll be too dizzy to do so. And chances areit's like a 100 mg or maybe 200 mg.My views do differ however from the other blogs. I say Eat em man, and I dont mean one at a time. I mean eat em all right now man, go ahead and get it over with. Cause thats all your doing fucking with that shit, your killing yourself man. But fer real on this man.... smoke herb......keep it real.....and remember Mr. Natural Say's " Twas ever thus! ". ----PEACE


New Member
I've Got 35 50mg Tazadones And That Shit Dosnt Do Anything For Me. You Guys Must Be Light Wait Because The Only Time I Feel Anything Is When I Tske Like Five And Then The Only Thing That Happens Is It Makes Me Feel All Lethargic.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
trazadone puts your ass asleep unless you snort 100 mg or more your ass will be sooooo fucking high believe me i did it lol its a nice high once your nose stops running lol:weed: