Pinching grow shoots?


Hey guys need help I've been reading up and talking to different people and its been said if you pinch growing shoots of the plant while young will help spread and help the yield. I'm cool with all this but I don't know what the growing shoots look like can anyone shoot me a pic so I will b able identify when it's time and don't f up my babies.


Well-Known Member
that doesnt really answer his question....basically any branch with a top is what they are referring to by shoot.. that said dont supercrop (the word for what you are describing) especially as a noob, learn to lst properly first and you will inadvertantly learn the plant and what branches to pinch, what branches to snip, what plants you should top etc...


The shoots look like what the top of the plant above looks like. Kermit is right any branch that has a top technically has a shoot. IMO you will want to wait until you has a decent amount side branches before you pinch (which most people call FIM). When you pinch the top of a plant it slows growth at the top of the plant and encourages side growth. I usually keep pinching the top until the side branches catch up. Once the side branches catch up I pinch those suckers too. This spreads her out a little more and increases the amount of nodes you have and decreases the distance between them. Go to the FIM section under Advanced Cultivation and everything will make more sense.


Well-Known Member
^ if you fim you are pinching or cutting into new growth to cause many colas to come from where their would normally only be one..pinching without breaking anything off is called supercropping..not sure which you meant now that enf suggested fimming lol.. i always equate pinching with supercropping because for me i only fim with a razor blade but again id stick to lst for the first time but thats just me!