Pineapple..? 400w HPS Grow Tent

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I did the same thing T. I started out with a homemade bubbler system, but didn't care for growing hydro and switched to dirt after a few weeks.

Keep up the good work Tokes!


Well-Known Member
And I did similar, started with hydro, bubblers, wilma pots...I'm 2 grows in (I think;)) since switching to soil.
I'm a soil tart at the moment for sure!


Well-Known Member
im a coco whore now but i also bought the waterfarm , used it once got a massive yield but couldnt be bothered with all the messing about .... i use my coco like i do soil , only thing i ever check is the PH .... i think im gonna go back to soil soon though , coco can be a pain with seedlings and what not


Active Member
Day 42

Well I woke up this morning and brewed my morning coffee, packed my morning bowl and headed to the tent like every morning. However this morning I was met with a horrible surprise. 5-6 of the colas and main buds fell off their supports and were limped over. Now I guess this is a double edge sword, because yea they all slipped down...but they slipped down because they were heavy =) Nothing was harmed, no branches really stressed or broken. When I got them all situated back up it left my fingers super sticky and extremely smelly! (so says my gf...I don't have a sense of smell...)



Well-Known Member
im exactly 7 days behind you so all your updates are keeping me ontrack of where im at LOL ... Good work Keep it up ;)


Active Member
It's funny, you can tell our inexperience by how uneven the canopy is. Oh well, it's all a learning process and the next ones will be much better. Count down is on though! We're going to be ordering a cheap loupe here in the next few days to really be able to keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, you can tell our inexperience by how uneven the canopy is. Oh well, it's all a learning process and the next ones will be much better. Count down is on though! We're going to be ordering a cheap loupe here in the next few days to really be able to keep an eye on it.
So untrue. I have experience and my canopy for the most part is un-even. But i'm growing like 5 strains so i let it get like that. I use lst to control a lot though.
Heres a pic, im trying Lots of lst tho.


Active Member
I think I just topped it too soon. We used a lot of LST we just didn't get the results we were completely after. If you look back you see I have a colosseum effect lol. all a learning process I guess =) 17ish more days...

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
A stadium style canopy is what your after. My plants on the outside are a good foot above the ones in the middle they get crazy light on the whole plant not just the tops


Well-Known Member
I had one kind of, lol. i was just going through my old photobucket pics. this is from when i had my 400 soo it is atleast 2 1/2 years old. but its so hat when your growing like 7 strains lol.


Active Member
A stadium style canopy is what your after. My plants on the outside are a good foot above the ones in the middle they get crazy light on the whole plant not just the tops
Well that's encouraging. I can't wait to start the next one, I'm sad I don't have another one ready and waiting to flower =( Our move date has gotten pushed back, and we have a few months to burn =\ sucks....Oh well...soon enough


Active Member
hmmm... that's not a bad idea owl. I'll have updates and pictures on the current one in a few. I just need to finish my coffee and breakfast =)

Edited - found my own answers, weird how that search function works ;-)


Active Member
Day 47

So I oops'd again lol. I have my air conditioning unit on the outside of our tent with a vent tube into the tent. Well the ac runs when the room temp rises, not the tent's temp....and so with it being cooler outside lately, it got a little warm in the tent. It never reach anything crazy because there's no real harsh damage. Just a lot of yellowing of the leaves going (that is why my leaves yellowed right? not just because it's late in the flower?)
Anyway here she is in all her golden glory lol...

photo 5.jpg
photo 4.jpg
photo 3.jpg
photo 2.jpg
photo 1.jpg

Soo....not really sure why my pictures are posting upside down...... Kinda confused...but yea, you get the idea lol I guess not even our computer can wait to hang'em lol


Active Member
Oh on a side note lol... After owl's idea of the 12/12 from seed idea, I did a bunch of reading and got to talking with my gf. Well we decided to go ahead with that idea, it sounds good to both of us hah. So we have 9 seeds germing now lol, pineapple express, ak47, and super haze. I'll start another journal on them we they pop haha.


Active Member
They're ch9 femenized seeds, I'll pop a few more just in case, it's not a bad idea. Thanks guys

germ plate.jpg

Pineapple Express x 4, AK47 x 3, Super Haze x 4