Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

hell you about at that two week count long you letting her go ??????

She is really getting ripe fast! she went from all white hairs to 50% pretty damn quick like within a few days... Im going to say 2 week countdown is in effect as of yesterday.. Im keeping my eye on them trichs.. aagghhh I hate harvest somtimes... sticky fingers, gooey scissors and Stuck clippings all over the place what a pita lol..., However my bubble bags just came in so it will be my first go making my own bubble hash I am excited about that.. I cant smoke the stuff but I will enjoy spikeing all my friends bowls and watching them turn into vegetable's :D

Overall good looking stuff, buds are small compared to most my other strains but hopfully the density will make up for it.. she may pack on some weight over the next week but height growth has pretty much stopped.. Im going to guess 10oz give or take 1 ... however overall quality seems better.. not sure if its the CMH or the strain but either way I think Im going to stick with the CMH I really liked how healthy they were up to the point I switched to HPS, wich will not happen next time ;)
Loving your plants! Cant wait to see how much you yeild off one plant!

Im limited on space, so your water warm is a little too tall, but what is your opition on this little bad boy?

Ive never dabbled in hydroponics. How easy would it be for a first timer like me?


Looks like that kit will work.. only thing I see is that it uses a water pump instead of a air pump, and there will be no double resivor for the roots... the water farm will also fill the bottom bucket with a brick of roots.. however looks like a good system for limited space as a waterfarm can be tricky cause the plants will get so damn big even if you start off on 12/12 you can still end up with a 5ft plant by the time harvest comes around if you dont scrog.. hydroponics for beginers is very easy as long as you keep it simple.. dont go adding a bunch of crap that is not necisary... water qualtiy must be decent I would say 150ppm or lower.. other then that its cake.
I think my plan will be to buy one, grow an identicle plant, one in soil and one in that water farm.
See how i go with both and decide which works best for me! :)
Peace! :peace:
Almost done, Density is solid, crystals are 90% milky white. Im going to give it till sunday and she is getting the chop.

56 ppm
ph 5.5


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man, this is beautiful!!!! i've been just kinda watching this grow for a while now. i cant wait to hear how harvest turns out! i am in so cal as well and just got my med card. should be starting my grow up october first. i have some questions for you though if you dont mind. they are about your scrog method. do you start the chicken wire off at one height and train them through and raise it as they grow into it or do you have it set at one height and let the plant grow to it and just train the branches through as they get long enough to do so? i think i remember something saying you have it at a fixed height? if so do you just let the plant grow naturally and train it through or is there some secret crazy method you use? finally, how do you know when you want to start flowering with this method? what are the tell tale signs it's at the best point to flower?

Thanks and congrats again on the awesome grow!
man, this is beautiful!!!! i've been just kinda watching this grow for a while now. i cant wait to hear how harvest turns out! i am in so cal as well and just got my med card. should be starting my grow up october first. i have some questions for you though if you dont mind. they are about your scrog method. do you start the chicken wire off at one height and train them through and raise it as they grow into it or do you have it set at one height and let the plant grow to it and just train the branches through as they get long enough to do so? i think i remember something saying you have it at a fixed height? if so do you just let the plant grow naturally and train it through or is there some secret crazy method you use? finally, how do you know when you want to start flowering with this method? what are the tell tale signs it's at the best point to flower?

Hi Knubs welcome!

My screen stays fixed.. how to tell when to flower is tricky for me to just tell you.. my plants grow much bigger then most pepole's plants during flower do to my hydro set up and high light levels.. Ive had 5 ft lowryders where most pepole end up with a 2 ft lowryder stain..

that said you will just have to get a feel for it.. if your growing in soil you can pretty much fill the screen and go to flower.. I have to go to flower before the top of my plant even reaches the screen or I will run out of height room no matter what strain Im growing..

Thanks and congrats again on the awesome grow!

I bend the top of the plant over under the screen, as the side branching gets longer I do the same with them.. the goal is to get as many tops as posible and to keep the tops even as possible that way each branch will get just as much light as the other and there will be no dominate branch trying to soak up all the goodness... you want to try and spread all the goodness to each branch evenly for best results.. it takes time to learn this just keep reading and examining everyones grow..

The best way to do this is find the grow on here that you think has the best results.. then disect every single thing they do.. what nutes are they using? Soil or hydro?, what light? Ceramic metal hylide, high presure sodium, Metal hylide.. (stay away from CFL please unless vegging) what wattage of light, specs on the grow room or grow cabinet, there ventalation, avg temps, PH, PPM/electric conductivity.. that might sound like alot to you since your just getting into this but the more you read the more you will understand.. eventually you will develope your own style and what works for you..

Good luck in your venture there are few things that compare to the harvest of a big ripe crystally plant with a mind knumbing buzz only nature can provide.. Im sorry if nothing I said made any sence what so every Im very medicated with nivana blue mystic and it sounds good right now at this moment but tomarrow I might be like wtf did I type this time lol...

Oh yeah here is a picture below the screen so you get a idea of how I spread all the goodness.. I know you guys love bud shots but this is probly my favorit picture in this thread it just looks cool to me I dont know why..


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now how did attitude seed bank insert there advertisment in my last post..? LOL you sneaky lil bastards! your lucky I love you guys :D
now how did attitude seed bank insert there advertisment in my last post..? LOL you sneaky lil bastards! your lucky I love you guys :D
Because there is a new script inserting advertisement. lol I have it blocked with adblock for firefox because it also kicks a java exploit message on some of the advertisements. ;)
Ok half way threw still have allot more to go.. just wanted to post up a few mid-way pictures Im really happy thoe the buds are not huge there alot of them and they are solid as a rock and coverd in crystals I think were going to see at least 10oz off this pineapple express!:blsmoke:


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That shit is WILD, man! Congrats on the good chop!

My mouth is watering pretty damn bad right now.

*would have given you some rep but gotta spread it around*