Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest


Active Member
Serapis, I have read Scotty's journal start to finish about 5times, I did not read anywhere why he believes the novabloom is better for vegging than the grow , and he did not mention his rez change out methods on the 20gal rez... I tried to pm you this as Im not looking for an argument on this thread. I will review the entire thread again... Im just asking why give up the benefits of the extra N in the grow when the grow formula doesn't cost more.


Well-Known Member
Serapis, I have read Scotty's journal start to finish about 5times, I did not read anywhere why he believes the novabloom is better for vegging than the grow , and he did not mention his rez change out methods on the 20gal rez... I tried to pm you this as Im not looking for an argument on this thread. I will review the entire thread again... Im just asking why give up the benefits of the extra N in the grow when the grow formula doesn't cost more.
Sorry, I had to turn those off because of people abusing it. It's OK to question or chastise me in public, I don't assume you are looking for a fight as much as you are a discussion. I was merely pointing out that Scotty had done it his way, many times (he is an old old man :) ), and that the first time I followed it, it worked out great for me as well. Now anyone could refine what was done and they may or may not get better results.

It is kind of hard to argue with a single PE seed that was raised to grow a pound of dry herb. You are free to wonder and question the merits of a single nutrient source, I understand that not everyone will simply accept the results and hard work of another. Scotty made it simple. He took the Grow formula out, pretty much just copying the Lucas formula. He made it easy, so easy, anyone can follow it and duplicate the grow. I believe that was his intention.

Now you can come back and say yes, well, adding one more nute is not mentaly hard, and you would be right. However this grow journal was Scotty's, and in the end, he was satisfied with his grow. Rather than PM me with your doubts and questions, contact the author of this journal. Your conversation will at least reach an interested party. If you were to look up my grow via the link in my sig, you would see I'm kinda following Scotty's plans, thoough I am adding some of my own nutrients to the mix. That's because it is my grow, and I can. I didn't question Scotty's expertise or reasoning, as it was his grow.

He inspired many to jump to hydroponics, in part due to the simplicity he demonstrated. The plant obviously did fine, many of those duplicating this thread are raising good looking plants. I don't understand your concern on this matter. If you personally want to use more N, then by God, please do so. But don't place yourself in the path of every other grower while doing so. I for one am happy as punch about one main nute.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ahhh i knew you would like that one yeah the VK reminds me more of some stanky kush with vanilla than skunk but it does have the same tendancies as skunk to overwhelm all odor control lol harvest looks quite nice man wiat til it cures up some more it turns a crazy brown color i would say it looks vanilla colored lol crazy.

Yes they are the same bags I have they work great !

Sorry I did not get anymore grow shots but here is the Finished product of the Barneys Farm vanilla Kush.. Its another Kick ass strain.. Big sticky dence buds, Excelent balanced high.. However Stinky as all hell carbon scrubers and ozone did not kill the smell !! reminds me of skunk with vanilla extract .. Pretty good yeild @14.2 oz

here is a few quick shots


Well-Known Member
Serapis, I have read Scotty's journal start to finish about 5times, I did not read anywhere why he believes the novabloom is better for vegging than the grow , and he did not mention his rez change out methods on the 20gal rez... I tried to pm you this as Im not looking for an argument on this thread. I will review the entire thread again... Im just asking why give up the benefits of the extra N in the grow when the grow formula doesn't cost more.
My Aeroponic unit held 10 grow sites. It had a 20 gallon nutrient reservoir with a 25 gallon fresh water controller.. How often I change the nutrients depended when I have used equal amount of water to my nutrient solution however that is maintaining a flat EC readings with no drops. if My starting point with fresh nutes was say 800ppm and the next day was 600 ppm I needed to increase the nute strength ideal is for the water to drop and the nutrient ppm to stay @800ppm. Then once I hit my 20 gallon fresh water mark I would change it out so it varied depending on what stage of growth I was in obviously a plant 4 weeks in flower is going to need a res change faster then a plant in 2 weeks of vege..

Flora Nova bloom has 4% Nitrogen to Grows 7% .. 4% is more then enough for dark green explosive growth during vege. You will not see faster or more healthier growth with the Nova Grow.. Bloom also has more Magnesium which is more important in growing MJ then the 4% - 7% difference in Nitrogen.. I feel there is no need to buy to bottles of nutrients when one bottle will do just as good if not better then two bottles.. Nitrogen deficiency's show up by slow stunted growth which I have yet to see.. Ive seen 3" growth in 24 hours during vege I would say there is not a snowballs chance in hell there was a Nitrogen deficiency going on..


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I had to turn those off because of people abusing it. It's OK to question or chastise me in public, I don't assume you are looking for a fight as much as you are a discussion. I was merely pointing out that Scotty had done it his way, many times (he is an old old man :) ), and that the first time I followed it, it worked out great for me as well. Now anyone could refine what was done and they may or may not get better results.

It is kind of hard to argue with a single PE seed that was raised to grow a pound of dry herb. You are free to wonder and question the merits of a single nutrient source, I understand that not everyone will simply accept the results and hard work of another. Scotty made it simple. He took the Grow formula out, pretty much just copying the Lucas formula. He made it easy, so easy, anyone can follow it and duplicate the grow. I believe that was his intention.

Now you can come back and say yes, well, adding one more nute is not mentaly hard, and you would be right. However this grow journal was Scotty's, and in the end, he was satisfied with his grow. Rather than PM me with your doubts and questions, contact the author of this journal. Your conversation will at least reach an interested party. If you were to look up my grow via the link in my sig, you would see I'm kinda following Scotty's plans, thoough I am adding some of my own nutrients to the mix. That's because it is my grow, and I can. I didn't question Scotty's expertise or reasoning, as it was his grow.

He inspired many to jump to hydroponics, in part due to the simplicity he demonstrated. The plant obviously did fine, many of those duplicating this thread are raising good looking plants. I don't understand your concern on this matter. If you personally want to use more N, then by God, please do so. But don't place yourself in the path of every other grower while doing so. I for one am happy as punch about one main nute.
I agree if you want to add other additives or try something different thats totally up to the grower.. I laid out a basic map which anyone should be able to follow and get excellent results there first time around. If you want to take a detour by all means go for it. However we are all going to the same place I just prefer to take the easier faster route which is a straight line.

Keeping it simple is somthing that you will learn for yourself after a few yrs of doing this.. Ive already been threw all the additives etc... I never seen any improvments personally. I look at it Like this.. If its not broke dont fix it... Fuck now i do sound like a oldman Serapis :D OK Im off to smoke a bowl of Vanilla Kush and work on my canna butter !


Well-Known Member
I agree if you want to add other additives or try something different thats totally up to the grower.. I laid out a basic map which anyone should be able to follow and get excellent results there first time around. If you want to take a detour by all means go for it. However we are all going to the same place I just prefer to take the easier faster route which is a straight line.

Keeping it simple is somthing that you will learn for yourself after a few yrs of doing this.. Ive already been threw all the additives etc... I never seen any improvments personally. I look at it Like this.. If its not broke dont fix it... Fuck now i do sound like a oldman Serapis :D OK Im off to smoke a bowl of Vanilla Kush and work on my canna butter !
I was thinking about going over to advanced nutrients because I am the type of guy that doesnt mind buying expensive things and I always fall into all the marketing bull shit.

Anyways a few days ago I went to my local grow shop to buy a ton of items for my freind I finally got him to start growing :). And I was just chatting with the guy and I noticed he had no advanced nutrients and I asked if he carried them. His response was classic "No, I carrey some other overley complicated and overpriced brand with fancey packages and names" He was like "you can use all of that stuff if u want but really" and he walks over to the nutirent section and brings back a bottle of flora nova and says "this is really all you need this has everything in it that those other brands have" I say bro that what I use "hes like good then dont switch your fine using this" now when the store owner talks you out of buying the more expensive brand because he believes its a rip off you know its the truth. He had all the power to say yea man that expensive stuff is worth the price buy the whole line and spend $150 bucks instead he said nah bro just keep spending $30 on a big old bottle of flora nova bloom.

Love that shop they always stop me from spending extra money I cant even count the times.
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Well-Known Member
LOL Scotty, that wasn't my intention to make you appear old. :) I know you are looking forward to Spring Break just as much as I am! :) I knew you would have a good explanation for doing what you did. Setting down a simple to follow road map was an excellent choice. I happen to have $90 worth of FF Bud Solubles left though, so I gotta work them in. I'm currently at 1150 ppm and will raise to 1400 with the addition of Open Sesame, now that I am in flower cycle. Beastie Bloomz onoly gets used for one to two weeks now in the new schedule.... I'll have that powder soluble for some time i guess... I had great results with the solubles before. I hate to let them sit around and cake up on me, after spending nearly $100. ( I learned my lesson )


Active Member
It has been a long time since i have been on the forum for a random read and i am shocked! This thread has doubled in size since the grow finished!

My LED grow is almost finished, and my growdrobe is finished and running!

I have a few questions though that i hope you can help me with!

-I have 2 Waterfarms with 2 of those small blue pumps, and fuck me do they vibrate and hum alot and loud! Is there a quieter pump out on the market? idealy from
-My tap water is 300ppm on the 0.5x scale, 0.6 EC. Ive never used an EC meter or pH meter, or hydroponics in that case. What EC/PPM and pH should i have it at?
-You put the fresh taproot straight into the hydroton right? How deep in did you put it in?
-How often did you water the seedling? 15mins every hour?
-How far away was the light away from the seedling heads and when did you move it up?

My seeds should be ready to go in tomorrow!

Also, this is for anybody else that can help too! Alongside the 2 waterfarms, i also have 4 pots, using Light-Mix soil. What nutes would you recommend i use?

Can i use the Lucas formula in soil too?

Just realised i bought Flora Bloom NOT FloraNOVA Bloom!!! Fucks sake! lol

Thanks to anyone that helps!


Well-Known Member
It has been a long time since i have been on the forum for a random read and i am shocked! This thread has doubled in size since the grow finished!

My LED grow is almost finished, and my growdrobe is finished and running!

I have a few questions though that i hope you can help me with!

-I have 2 Waterfarms with 2 of those small blue pumps, and fuck me do they vibrate and hum alot and loud! Is there a quieter pump out on the market? idealy from
-My tap water is 300ppm on the 0.5x scale, 0.6 EC. Ive never used an EC meter or pH meter, or hydroponics in that case. What EC/PPM and pH should i have it at?
-You put the fresh taproot straight into the hydroton right? How deep in did you put it in?
-How often did you water the seedling? 15mins every hour?
-How far away was the light away from the seedling heads and when did you move it up?

My seeds should be ready to go in tomorrow!

Also, this is for anybody else that can help too! Alongside the 2 waterfarms, i also have 4 pots, using Light-Mix soil. What nutes would you recommend i use?

Can i use the Lucas formula in soil too?

Just realised i bought Flora Bloom NOT FloraNOVA Bloom!!! Fucks sake! lol

Thanks to anyone that helps!
U want Tetra brand air pumps they are for aquariums and barley make any sound at all, they wont move or shake around they are money. Sounds like u dont live anywhere near my country so u can get these on ebay or if u have a pet store with an aquarium section u can find them their, get a 60gallon model, they are like 20bucks. I use these for my aquarium and my grow they are awesome air pumps.

View attachment 1385257


Active Member
Thx, Scotty, You answered the questions I had ... I just wasnt sure why I had problems using the novabloom in vegg... Im sure I went too long between rez changes, and I did develop an Algae issue at one point, i started using microb tea, everything is good ... Serapis your comment " Rather than PM me with your doubts and questions, contact the author of this journal. Your conversation will at least reach an interested party." I had no reason to contact you at all, I was asking Scotty a few legitimate questions and you jumped in... So, I was just responding to you being a buttinsky! lol... thx, all...


Well-Known Member
Thx, Scotty, You answered the questions I had ... I just wasnt sure why I had problems using the novabloom in vegg... Im sure I went too long between rez changes, and I did develop an Algae issue at one point, i started using microb tea, everything is good ... Serapis your comment " Rather than PM me with your doubts and questions, contact the author of this journal. Your conversation will at least reach an interested party." I had no reason to contact you at all, I was asking Scotty a few legitimate questions and you jumped in... So, I was just responding to you being a buttinsky! lol... thx, all...
I apologize, I missed you specifically addressing Scotty and mistakenly thought I was in a public forum, responding to public comments and questions. I expected you to take a parting shot at me, even when it became obvious I was indeed reflecting what Scotty had already said earlier. Thanks for not disappointing me. Now that you have been told 3 times why he skipped the Grow formula, twice by Scotty and once by me, I'm sure it has been cleared up to your satisfaction?

Thanks for reminding me why I have PM's blocked from strangers....


Well-Known Member
Too late for that fuck face, welcome to your future pot board experience.
And how long do you think a screen name like that with messages such as yours is going to last? Is your life really that boring? Internet anonymity has made you brave.... LOL Enjoy your time here and welcome to Roll It Up! :) Please don't forget to stop by and introsuce yourself.


Well-Known Member
lol, not very long asshole, which is why it's so nice that it takes like all of 10 seconds to make a new one. Yes my life is pretty boring but not now that I've found a hobby...trolling you till you quit this site
You've got a long wait Japanfreak.... I saw you got banned from Mr. Nice guy today too.... You must feel like an all around winner?


Well-Known Member
U want Tetra brand air pumps they are for aquariums and barley make any sound at all, they wont move or shake around they are money. Sounds like u dont live anywhere near my country so u can get these on ebay or if u have a pet store with an aquarium section u can find them their, get a 60gallon model, they are like 20bucks. I use these for my aquarium and my grow they are awesome air pumps.

View attachment 1385257
Excellent air pumps. They carry them at Walmart near the fish, go figure.... I'd put them in lawn and garden myself. :clap:

I got a 60 gal pump with two air nozzles for $25. It is quiet and reliable.


Well-Known Member
Nobody asked you what you got fuckface, in fact anybody would be wise to not even talk to you because I'm dedicating all my free time to troll you now asshole. Any thread you're in is going to be complete shit but I bet you don't care, you'll still bring it with you. A few years though and people won't care, they will call you fuck face just like I do
No bro no one wants to talk to you facefuck your cries for attention are pathetic facefuck and we all know ur 10 yrs old facefuck so please get in bed facefuck you have to ride that short yellow bus too school tomorrow facefuck.

Sincerely, Fuck Face #5