"you just bend the stem sideways and it slows the growth long enough for it to heal then takes off... dangerous though... high stress"
yes - very high stress - especially at 6 + weeks into flower, they're not going to stretch that much anymore anyway....
I wouldn't take that chance now, but it's a must for the veg .
Here are a few more pics taken this morning - during my rounds around the ole Farmstead.
The other thing I forgot to mention about the Kandy Kush - is that it seems to want to take an additional 2 weeks (at least) to mature -
it is easily 2 weeks behind all my others.
Over all - these plants seem to be doing well - and I expect a decent return in harvest.
2-400 watts - with flow through cooling (absolute necessity in AZ)
These plants have really been through a lot...
they survived every method I threw at them in my ignorant attempts to help them grow.
Everything that makes them strong and healthy now - has also almost been their death...
the lights, the nutes, the heat and humidity, transplanting, too much water... all typical newbie mistakes that have to be made to be believed.
I was wrong (imagine that!) about the height of the KK - it's only 3'9".
one of the Tropicanna got to be that size - only because of my lack of persistant watchfullness.
The PE is 3' 4" - the Power africa is 3' 6" and I have one Tropicanna at 3'8", 3'11" and 4'4".
All of the Trops could have been LSTed for a more manageable size.
These are all very top heavy now as well - I need to be very cautious when moving them as they could break relatively easily -
even though the stems are 1" in diameter average.
I've switched 5 out of 6 plants to straight water as of this morning - I figure about another couple weeks and i'll be chopping these down...
the trichs are still very clear on all of the plants - but i scope them all closely every morning.