Pineapple problem


Ive had this clone for a couple weeks now. Im growing it indoors in ocean forrest soil under a 25w CFL at the moment. I water it about every two days with plain distilled water. The past few days ive noticed a few of the lower leaves turning yellow from the leaf tip inward. They also have a few brown spots and the very tip of the leaf is dry and crumbly. You guys have an idea what might be the problem?
Here's a couple pics of it.
Any info is much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Dry crumbly tips is usually a sign of nute burn or root rot, probably nute burn.

I don't know ocean forest, but the soil may be a bit too hot for your girl. I see perlite in the mix, did you add that yourself? At what proportion? You may need more. I usually mix 25-50% perlite with rich organic soils for MJ, I have another non-MJ herb that can only handle 25% soil.

If it is nute burn you can either leave the girl in there and hope the concentration of nutes in the soil goes down (will probably go up with every watering for a few weeks before it starts to go down) or you can transplant your girl into another pot with more perlite.


Well-Known Member
Ocean Forest is a great non burning soil. I would take off the leaf, transplant into a 3 gallon an keep growing.


Really? ok, i will put it in a bigger container as soon as the soil dries up a little bit more. Yesterday was the first time I gave her nutes since the rooting solution she was given when cut....unless i mixed up the watering containers. Thanx for the info cannatari


Dry crumbly tips is usually a sign of nute burn or root rot, probably nute burn.

I don't know ocean forest, but the soil may be a bit too hot for your girl. I see perlite in the mix, did you add that yourself? At what proportion? You may need more. I usually mix 25-50% perlite with rich organic soils for MJ, I have another non-MJ herb that can only handle 25% soil.

If it is nute burn you can either leave the girl in there and hope the concentration of nutes in the soil goes down (will probably go up with every watering for a few weeks before it starts to go down) or you can transplant your girl into another pot with more perlite.
Actually I didn't add anything to the soil. I opened the bag, stirred it up then put it in the containers. I will put it in a larger container as soon as the soil dries up a tad.


Well-Known Member
If your not going to use perlite, then make sure your plants are ready for watering before you water. Lift pot up and judge by wieght.


If your not going to use perlite, then make sure your plants are ready for watering before you water. Lift pot up and judge by wieght.
For sure man, that's how I've been doing it so far. On the plants in the bigger containers a wait until most of the leaves start to droop a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was the first time I gave her nutes
And we found the most likely source of the problem. Every girl is different, and now you know to reduce the concentration of food for this girl, or wait a bit longer before feeding her again. ;-)


And we found the most likely source of the problem. Every girl is different, and now you know to reduce the concentration of food for this girl, or wait a bit longer before feeding her again. ;-)
You could be right, but...It's had the yellowing leaves for a few days now, and I didn't give it nutes until just yesterday.


Well-Known Member
You could be right, but...It's had the yellowing leaves for a few days now, and I didn't give it nutes until just yesterday.
Ok, in that case I go back to the soil being a bit too hot for this girl. I'm sure you know now: adding nutes while the soil is still hot only makes it worse.


Active Member
try to also give more cfs after you transplant, dont love it, to death, its easy to over care them thinking they need all this stuff, acually they are a weed. learn to read your plant to make sure its happy, good luck