Pinkie Pie!!!!

i cant post links or ideos from my phone i guess bug if you google midgard mastiffs i own PP quality stock off his yard and hes got sone beasts!! out there! also workin on my own line frim scratch (for genetic diversity) why the presa?
because when trained they are straight killers ( they were bred to hold cows in the slaughter houses )
but can be trained on verbal commands and they think of it like a job when you call them off its over and they go back to being like this
pitbull / american bulldog build huge dogs but really really smart . which is not normal in breeds with the build like they have
i get you, they are nice dogs i just dont think they are big or intimidating enough for man stopping, the bandogs i have are a mix of game bred pit bulls (multiple lines including chinaman and eli), neopolitan mastiff, american bulldog and a bit of dog de bordeux at about the 8th generation of dogs that have been produced, tested and performed best in personal protection work/ estate guarding/ boar hunting
i need a dog designed for a specific purpose.... man stopping and i think this cross fits the bill, if i wede hunting big cats i would get a dogo and if i was out in the boonies lookin for a hog dog id still go bandog.... idk i guess im just hard headed cuzz they seem pretty similar apart from size lol
it has now been about a week since i pulled down my f3's i will be checking out the seeds today and trashing non viables, if while doing so i find the seedto be in good condition and dried out i will post back and let all know if i decide to start the f4 today or not
eary germination and transplant recovery are 2 of my primary section criteria for the first weeks, (why i plant in trays to cups to observe transplant shock within the population)
do you hunt or do dog sports? or protection work like with sleeves and suits and such?
i run hogs
danes actually make some of the best bay dogs but you have to have catch dogs still

but on a side note i grow pot ...... didnt know if you noticed or not
its nice to have a beefy well trained dog you can send out to scout the area
have you ever seen video of danes doin catchwork? i forget where, i think on lees page on the american sentinel k9 (bandog) he had some video of a black male dane on a hog and it was savage i had never seen a dane with such ferocity... it may have even been an f1 dane/ pit hybrid but god damnit i was impressed, i like the huge dogs that can still move and run down prey thats why the dabe is a must in a cross for me, they just la k that meatiness u mentioned and thats why i like the neopolitan mastiff (if you can find 1 that actually works!)
ive never seen a dog bigger than a coonhound as a bay dog lol
oh yeah.... derp! lmao im pretty sure rippers would have already got me twice over if i didnt own so many big ass dogs, its rough out here in the city i live in and i honestly dont think i would feel safe with any less dogs or guns than i currently own 6 dogs
have you ever seen video of danes doin catchwork? i forget where, i think on lees page on the american sentinel k9 (bandog) he had some video of a black male dane on a hog and it was savage i had never seen a dane with such ferocity... it may have even been an f1 dane/ pit hybrid but god damnit i was impressed, i like the huge dogs that can still move and run down prey thats why the dabe is a must in a cross for me, they just la k that meatiness u mentioned and thats why i like the neopolitan mastiff (if you can find 1 that actually works!)
ive never seen a dog bigger than a coonhound as a bay dog lol
oh yeah.... derp! lmao im pretty sure rippers would have already got me twice over if i didnt own so many big ass dogs, its rough out here in the city i live in and i honestly dont think i would feel safe with any less dogs or guns than i currently own 6 dogs
danes are big but like you said not meaty so when they take a a hit from a tusk it goes straight to bone
but they are fast and agile so you use the danes or any fast dog really that bays to run em until they are so tired they cant move then you may or may not need a catch dog evventually a pig runs far enough and it just backs in a corner and stays bayed aslong as your dogs keep distance and keep moving the pig just holds half the time you can just shoot it
thats what danes were bred for originally
but danes by nature only nip at the neck area and hold on the legs and arms
most of any thing with a pit shaped head will hold neck

this dude is nuts the dog takes of one way and some of the pigs break in another direction dude runs them over with his dirt bike >.<
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i have an alarm that does really well
and tracks anything it can get a scent on
jack russel x mini blue healer
hahahaha is that even legal!?! lol must be in australia or some part of the boonies no ones checkin on.
whats the temperment like on that dog? i love jack russels but im not too farmiliar with mini blue heelers
actually really good
and heelers are the kind of dogs that keep your kids in the yard or animals
they let you walk right up on the property but dont let you leave ;)
and hogs are pests and ca be eliminated by any means you dont even need a hunting license to hunt them here or in texas
and hogs are pests and ca be eliminated by any means you dont even need a hunting license to hunt them here or in texas
texas is so gay about hunting, you really have to know someone with land or your fuc*ed because those republican bastards are too greedy to have any type of accessible public lands!
started my f4 a few days ago and so far my germ rate isnt great, and ive lost a couple of seedlings from varios causes but i cant really comment on them any further because it just hasnt been long enough to see much. started in trays filled with 707 10 days after harvest (selective pressure) the B line is much quicker to mature seeds from my observations thus far, this is also my genetic purple (not cold induced) pink pistiled line the A line has superior specimins in regards to resin, size and yield but does not yet sport pink pistils and buds range from green to pink to purple qith the majority being pink (light purple streak under green calyx gives the impression of the color pink)
just a few pics to update, ive had quite a few seedlings die from damping off and the heat wave nuked 80% of them so of my original few i have 3 left and my trays got visited by a blue jay while i took a nap so i salvaged the 6 that i could and put them in cups, off to a really rough start so to ensure adequite numbers for selection i threw down another tray of the p306/A line and a few cups about 50 of mt B line


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Hi there rollituppers!! I didnt know wether to post this in the auto flower section or the breeders paradise but since ive already got a thread going over their i figured i would give this one to the auto community.
Okay so I am a breeder and RIU is my home so ive decided to post my work thus far on a cross ive been working that ive dubbed "Pinkie Pie"
work on Pinkie started in spring of last year when i purchased seed from genetics gone madd of Madd Krush and Redd cross, i made 2 crosses utilizing a single Redd cross and a single madd krush as my p1 mothers ( i later dropped the red cross as i found it to be far less vigorous and an overall inferior cross) and 3 robust males from my own line of autos that i had dubbed S.A.P (a and p stand for auto purps) it was an ak47auto x a random purple auto i had it for 2 gens since that cross.
i then worked the cross out to the f3 and have recently harvested seed for my f4 which ill be popping in a week or so.

I'm sorry I had a completely different mental image of what a pinky pie might have been. I don't belong here. ..
pic1. the beastiest seedlings of this run
pic2. random beastling haha
pic3. what it looks like to be a weak ass bitch
pic4. a few cups with B line seeds waiting to germ

ive got a tray of A line that should be popping in this next week here and a tray of pinkie pie f3 semi backcrossed to an ak47 autoflower 90 seeds rpughly ahould be cool to see what they come out like.