Pinpoint the problemo!!!


Well-Known Member
They grow so fast, if only weed grew that fast. But then again, weed is like raising a baby, lol, it's a labor of love.


Active Member
i hear ya saintc. growing my girl (brady as my gf named her) has been a big chore but i've enjoyed every waking minute of it. they do grow up so fast though which is why i'm keeping her in veg for as long as i can lol.


Well-Known Member
Shit, i had mine veg. From febuary all the way till the end of june. My plant is just grown with cheap light, flurescent, and other cheap aides. Truthfully, i just want bud. I would like to have maximum bud, but as long as i get a lil bud, it's still worth the labor of love, to taste my fruits is all i want. I hope i can at least ge an ounce out of it. My plant is actually pretty tall, it's a pure indica. It's 3 sumtin. So it's pretty tall, the bottom flowers ain't produce too well prolly due to inadiquite light, but the top is flowering decent. I got alot more crystals today!!! What is was sayin though, coolerthanyou, was that my mushrooms really really grow fast!!! 3 days, i already got mid sized shrooms!


Active Member
haha yeah i knew what you meant saintc. 3 days?! holy shit man.. mine is also pure indica at 7 weeks from germ. i plan on growing her at least another 3 weeks. unfortunately today i found a yellow fan leaf that used to be the best looking leaf, it makes me sad:(


Well-Known Member
i hear ya saintc. growing my girl (brady as my gf named her) has been a big chore but i've enjoyed every waking minute of it. they do grow up so fast though which is why i'm keeping her in veg for as long as i can lol.
how long u plan on keeping it in veg lol???


Well-Known Member
yeah. I veged too long, doesn't look like it though. I wanna fix this fan leaf problem, but the truth is, crystals are still formin, inner leaves look good, and it's still green. I still think i will be able to enjoi my fruits when they're don, and thsi si just a scrape on the plant. Idk. I don't think it will die though, so that still keeps me happy. :) these fan leaves dying are just a major annoyance.


Active Member
i hear ya man, i just had a fan leaf die on me. my babe suffers chronically from mg def and she just had another outbreak:( i think i'm actually gonna put her into flower on saturday cause last outbreak she lost almost all her leaves.


Active Member
so she lost 2 leaves but i'm giving her epson salts and its clearing up. first day into flowering and i hope she does good. how's your girl? and how are the fungi lol?


Well-Known Member
i hear ya bro. my fungi is bonkers, lol, fuck dat!!!! i made a good tea! yeah, it might not look good, but it's still making some tastee lookin buds, its still alive. i'll have new pics soon.