Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)

I, for one, can be bribed to keep my mouth shut. Maybe some chicken legs. mmmmmm
Damn, that sounds good. Personally, I'm a breasts kind of guy. But, hey, whatever blows your skirt up. :P

I'm guessing you've done mainlining before. Is there a point to doing it with clones? I haven't looked into it too much but it seems like once the nodes start alternating you've sorta missed the boat. Hopefully I'm wrong about that.[/

Oh, no, it's completely possible to mainline clones. Good question, though. The ones taken earlier on from mom (while the nodes are still symmetrical) are obviously the easiest to work with, but it can be done with any clone. Pick a healthy node, prune for a Y shape, and work/train one side, and let the other do her thing to catch up. If the one side takes off too quick (and it probs will), you can just super crop to slow her down. Then just top for 4, rapture, rinse, repeat. Patience, and an ass-ton of training will get you a nice bouquet of donkey dicks at harvest.
I'm a big fan of training. You should see some of my bondage work. :)

You're more than welcome to stop by anytime and post some S&M shots, bud porn, or just shoot the shit, poke fun. Whatever's clever. I just want people to come in and feel comfortable. Just got around to taking a peek at your current show. Killer setup, man. Seems like we have a similar style. Looks like you've been busy these last couple months. It's going to take me a while to catch up.
Damn, that sounds good. Personally, I'm a breasts kind of guy. But, hey, whatever blows your skirt up. :P

Oh, no, it's completely possible to mainline clones. Good question, though. The ones taken earlier on from mom (while the nodes are still symmetrical) are obviously the easiest to work with, but it can be done with any clone. Pick a healthy node, prune for a Y shape, and work/train one side, and let the other do her thing to catch up. If the one side takes off too quick (and it probs will), you can just super crop to slow her down. Then just top for 4, rapture, rinse, repeat. Patience, and an ass-ton of training will get you a nice bouquet of donkey dicks at harvest.

i personally think that jig fresh is right, once branching has become non symetrical the one node/junction theory goes out thewindow and even if you bend the stems at a right angle to get level tops, the side with the higher node will always be stronger.....

heres a dwc mainline DNA Lemon skunk (lvls pheno) that i mainlined from seed, but whanted to see the effects on a larger plant as its ment to keep plants small,,,,,,


You're more than welcome to stop by anytime and post some S&M shots, bud porn, or just shoot the shit, poke fun. Whatever's clever. I just want people to come in and feel comfortable. Just got around to taking a peek at your current show. Killer setup, man. Seems like we have a similar style. Looks like you've been busy these last couple months. It's going to take me a while to catch up.

Feel free to catch up lol. The big journal has 5,000 posts, the other previous ones have about 4,000 together. I like to talk a lot of shit. :) Had a baby 3 months ago, built a building in the back yard over the summer, picked up new LED panels two weeks ago, and a new monster grow is going to start here any day now. I tried soil and one of the reasons I didn't like it as much as hydro is I love training my plants, just working with them, feeling their leaves, bending their stems, all that sexy stuff. And with my soil plants they seemed to grow an inch a month (maybe slightly exagerating), the hydro there's more to mess with every day.

And you can have the breasts. Too dry.

My proudest training experiment. I found the hard way it's not worth the work to grow this way, but it looks cool, haha.
i personally think that jig fresh is right, once branching has become non symetrical the one node/junction theory goes out thewindow and even if you bend the stems at a right angle to get level tops, the side with the higher node will always be stronger.....

I agree, it's not ideal. Was just mentioning that it can be done. Especially with clones taken early in a mother plant's life (when they are still symmetrical). I should have mentioned (just felt a bit obvious) that you won't achieve the same results using an un-symmetrical clone as you would with training a plant from seed, or growing a symmetrically shaped clone. Training a clone that was cut later in mom's life isn't really considered a "true" mainlined plant either, so, thanks for pointing that out. The original question was "Is there a point to it?" I should have been more direct and said, "Nope." I hope my post wasn't too misleading. Oh, and it's nice to meet you. Cool pics.
Feel free to catch up lol. The big journal has 5,000 posts, the other previous ones have about 4,000 together. I like to talk a lot of shit. Had a baby 3 months ago, built a building in the back yard over the summer, picked up new LED panels two weeks ago, and a new monster grow is going to start here any day now. I tried soil and one of the reasons I didn't like it as much as hydro is I love training my plants, just working with them, feeling their leaves, bending their stems, all that sexy stuff. And with my soil plants they seemed to grow an inch a month (maybe slightly exagerating), the hydro there's more to mess with every day.

I can be sort of talkative sometimes too, man. Stoked to hear so many people are digging what their LED panels can do for them. I've seen a couple people pull some crazy frosty weight with 'em. I'm getting more and more curious. Almost thinking about building my own panel. Just for shiggles.

Dude. You sound like me. I love to manipulate their structures. Very hands on sort of guy. I'm really enjoying my first hydro run. Not ready to completely make the switch yet. But, I'm definitely enjoying seeing how fast the new growth takes off after a pruning session. Fun fun fun.

Dude. That is beastly. And, in a 5 gal bucket, too. Damn. I'm impressed.
Thanks, M1D. I figured a couple videos of nothing going on is slightly more entertaining than a couple pictures of it.

Just doing my best not to kill, or burn the shit out of 'em. Total blast so far, though. Thanks for stopping in.

Thanks, Pros. Means alot, bud. I love his TV show, Louie. Funny stuff. I would totally love to have a couple frosty IPAs with the dude. Pick his brain. I bet we would get along.

Same here. I figured, since this is the first run I've focused on training (Lst, mainlining, etc) I would try a bunch of different stuff. See what type of manifold shoots the biggest, healthiest, most uniform buds, and stick with it. IDK. Some people think I'm crazy, or a dummy for topping, training autos, and that's fine, but the way I see it --This grow is just for my own personal medicinal use so, I don't need a crazy huge yield. Just the best tasting, most potent medicine possible -- With perfectly even, balanced root structures, and single-node manifolds, it's a sure thing that your ladies will be able to produce, and support huge, frosty colas.

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Guys, I have a confession to make. I decided to take a sick day, today, and just be one with the couch. I totally deserve it. Bombed out to town in my PJs, for a few choice cuts this morning, and got the ice chest full, and the BBQ all fired up. Don't tell my boss, k?

Dont over cook that Pinworm...I like my steak there soon :)
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Went for a hike yesterday afternoon after work to scout possible outdoor grow sites for next year. I was able to get one decent camera phone pic. Looks like it gets plenty of sunlight, healthy looking dirt and is only accessible from a path behind my house. It's on a cliff like peninsula. It has drop offs in every direction except for the path. Planning on growing 50+ plants. What do guys think? Should I keep looking?

Never...NEVER!! stop looking for spots. Find as many spots as you can and plant something at each one. Choose the ones that perform the best for you for the following year. That spot you have there looks killer!! It screams plant here, plant here. Good luck and happy hiking. Peace
Maaan h donput some thought jnto what is effectivly a.very very simple process. Im sure ther called weed fpr a.reason. oh yeh ther weeds..I.e grow anyare

Firstly I think.u.forget issue with dwc.. what if the electric goes out.? Will u sit with a tube making sure u still get bubble to your roots?? What??
Nezt all this measuring area minus equipment size devidex by light power minus temps. Or watever the fuk...huh??? Wow all I cam say is u obviously dont smoke enough to get to them answers. Shit man.

Stop putting so much thought into the noncens and just grow. Look and if u think u can fit another lihlght with keeping temps down then shit man do so. Get as many rammed I as ya can or afford
And ditch dwc for coco in them cotton bags.or airpots. Much and still hydro....

Gravy man simply gravy...

I might ad.. I too have been ill for some time. On morphine ans currantly on benzo and neuropathic pInkillers. But alas I aint legal for r mj in my country unlucky cunt... keep it real and organic man..and dont try to hard to be as good as me. For me its all el naturel..

Maaan h donput some thought jnto what is effectivly a.very very simple process. Im sure ther called weed fpr a.reason. oh yeh ther weeds..I.e grow anyare

Firstly I think.u.forget issue with dwc.. what if the electric goes out.? Will u sit with a tube making sure u still get bubble to your roots?? What??
Nezt all this measuring area minus equipment size devidex by light power minus temps. Or watever the fuk...huh??? Wow all I cam say is u obviously dont smoke enough to get to them answers. Shit man.

Stop putting so much thought into the noncens and just grow. Look and if u think u can fit another lihlght with keeping temps down then shit man do so. Get as many rammed I as ya can or afford
And ditch dwc for coco in them cotton bags.or airpots. Much and still hydro....

Gravy man simply gravy...

I might ad.. I too have been ill for some time. On morphine ans currantly on benzo and neuropathic pInkillers. But alas I aint legal for r mj in my country unlucky cunt... keep it real and organic man..and dont try to hard to be as good as me. For me its all el naturel..


First off, I don't grow weed:
I grow marijuana (there is a difference):

Secondly, please don't assume things about me. You do not know me, and you just come off like a douchenozzle. When the power goes out, which it often does in winter, up in the mountains, my house is powered by a Briggs and Stratton 8,000-watt Generator, which automatically runs when needed.
Look, I understand you think math, and a scientific approach to growing medicine is "noncens", and would suggest that I "donput" any thought into things before hand, but I care about what I'm doing, and growing. Math is a tool that can help us understand, and better improve the world around us. It's not my fault you can't comprehend simple square footage - watts per square foot equations, and feel the need to attack someone at random because of it. I bet you never even stopped to consider that "all thes math noncens or whatever the fuk....huh?" comes completely "el naturel" to me?'s all gravy.

Ignorance is bliss.

If you're looking to draw me into an arguement about organics vs. hydro, you can just scurry on along right now, little buddy, because both are amazing methods of cultivating marijuana. And, worth pursuing. And, for the love of god, please, if you plan on directing a response to me - cam u preazse at feast hit duh spell check buton ferst?
Maaan h donput some thought jnto what is effectivly a.very very simple process. Im sure ther called weed fpr a.reason. oh yeh ther weeds..I.e grow anyare

Firstly I think.u.forget issue with dwc.. what if the electric goes out.? Will u sit with a tube making sure u still get bubble to your roots?? What??
Nezt all this measuring area minus equipment size devidex by light power minus temps. Or watever the fuk...huh??? Wow all I cam say is u obviously dont smoke enough to get to them answers. Shit man.

Stop putting so much thought into the noncens and just grow. Look and if u think u can fit another lihlght with keeping temps down then shit man do so. Get as many rammed I as ya can or afford
And ditch dwc for coco in them cotton bags.or airpots. Much and still hydro....

Gravy man simply gravy...


Here's a fine example of My way of growing is better than your way of growing.....

Can I join??

I bet my plants look better than your plants Turbanator!
And I don't use coco. or air pots or cotton bags or hydro
I don't even use light, nutrients, soil, soilless, or cannabis seeds and my grow is better than your grow.
Wow Turbanator has to be a git. Can't spell for squat. Plus your new to the forum and starting shit on someone else's thread. I've read all your post just another shit talker. Pin don't mind what he is spewing out his ass. Oops I meant out his mouth.
I might ad.. I too have been ill for some time. On morphine ans currantly on benzo and neuropathic pInkillers. But alas I aint legal for r mj in my country unlucky cunt... keep it real and organic man..and dont try to hard to be as good as me. For me its all el naturel..

lol .......