Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)


Well-Known Member
Middle of the night phone-call from the east coast. Have to get myself and the little one packed up to head out on a red-eye to MN. Her Grandma, my mom, just passed away. Not sure when I'll be active again. Lot's of shit to take to care of suddenly. God damnit, mom...


Well-Known Member
I feel kinda bad liking that.
My mom just passed recently if you wanna talk PM me for contact info.


Well-Known Member
Middle of the night phone-call from the east coast. Have to get myself and the little one packed up to head out on a red-eye to MN. Her Grandma, my mom, just passed away. Not sure when I'll be active again. Lot's of shit to take to care of suddenly. God damnit, mom...
This is crushing.

I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss.


Losing a parent (even one we may have not of gotten along with) can be a rough experience. Just remember, that a mother's goodness is forever carried on through her son, mate, and that it's important to stay strong for your family now. As they will looking to you for guidance. PM if ye want to talk. I cannie say how awful this is to hear. My prayers go out to you.

>>>>raise my glass above my heart<<<<<

Will be here when you return.


Well-Known Member

EDIT: I was just sneaking outside to enjoy a doublewhiskeycokenoice, and had this random memory. I couldn't stop laughing. So, I was hanging out my mom's place about like 7 years ago, after a party, and she pulled out a bottle of valium from her purse, started to eat a few. She looked at me, and goes, "What? Did you want one?" I was like, "Sure. I'll take one." She went, "Ummm........ sorry, I only like 98 left, I can't." Hahahaha. Just the kind of person she was, man. Just random, funny, and totally indestructible.


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry to hear about your mom Pin, my warmest condolences brother! Take care of yourself, and stay strong for your little one. All my love, to you, and your family. As you once told me, 'Keep ya head up!' Peace & Love. Myco


Well-Known Member
Thanks Myco. I'm hangin' in there. My cousin has been keeping us
knee deep in delicious foods, and drinks. It's great to see some of
the old family, too. It's been years.


Thinking I might go for a drive today, and get this filled in. Seems apropos...



Well-Known Member
I'm glad your cool, and that you're eating good. I think coloring in your tat would make a fitting gesture. I kinda like it B&W though.
DSCF2104.jpg Keep this in mind. Nothing lasts forever. The worst of times, the best of times, they all pass with a turn of the clock. Another day comes, and good, and bad things happen. It's all about how we deal with them, and move on from each one, good or bad. Take er easy Pin, all my love brother.


Well-Known Member
Here's a little Irish back at ya.
Peace & Love. Myco