Pipe/Bong Cleaning

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
All AGUNG brand glass bongs are made of Pyrex: Oven, heat, dishwasher, etc safe. I don't know if Agung bongs are sold in other countries, but you can boil pyrex, then stick it in cold water, and it won't crack. It's Pyrex glasses claim to fame: It's MADE for baking/ovenware/cooking.

WHo'd wanna boil it anyway. I don't even use Iso: Just Metho. Works just as well, and the -001% Denaturant added isn't enough to make you sick once it's evap'ed dry. They only add the denatured shit to stop alchoe's drinking it.
If you have an envelope that has peel off sticky, some degreaser concentrate, dish soap, empty large coffee can(depending on size of pipe), salt and rice, you can use this recently tried solution to cleaning a pipe.

I just figured I'd post a writeup of what worked great for me. I got one of the big coffee cans, whatever cheap crap metal they are made out of is soft enough that you don't have to worry about breaking the glass hitting the sides, heck i hardly heard it in there at all, but i filled it with hot water, tad of dish soap, simple green concentrate, then i boiled two pans of water on the stove. When boiling I dumped 1 in the coffee can and began to shake it for a minute or two, then i took the pipe and shook it in the solution when it was touchable. Then i couldn't find the fuzzy pipe cleaners i grabbed the piece of plastic that covers the sticky party of a netflix envelope and folded it into a V shape and ran that threw the long sherlock(think gandolf type long green stem glass thing). It worked like a charm, cleaned out anything that was still stuck after the shaking. Dumped out the nasty solution, 1/2 filled again with hot water, and salt and rice and dumped in rest of boiling water and repeated to clean any residue left and to generally wipe down pipe in the cleaner water before final cleaning and drying. I then just left the water running in the sink right onto and into the pipe so it will flush out for at least 10 minutes to get any possible simple green flushed out and then let it dry out and ready to use.