Piss Test on Tuesday


Active Member
Ok so I was caught in a company vehical with just under an ounce on pot. I am a consultant and had my contract terminated. When i was let go I was told buy my boss to come back in a couple of months when the heat died down and he would give me my job back. I has been 7 weeks since my last toke. I called him thursday to see if I could come back. He said he would love to have me back but had to check with one of the owners first before he hired me back. The owner told him to tell me that I havent suffered enough and i could go back to work for them in another couple of months. I told him THIS WAS MY LAST PHONE CALL TO THEM and hung up the phone. I was pissed off so I went to my stash and smoked a half a joint. I barly got high. 30 min later I got a call from my old boss he told me that the owner had changed his mind but I have to take a piss test on tuesday. Here is my question. Will I test positive or should I use synthetic piss. Does synthetic piss still work. I have used it in the past and it worked.

Sr. Verde

Man that is some bullshit luck. I would say go with synthetic... Tuesday is too close, if it were thursday I would think you would have better odds


Well-Known Member
score some piss off of a strat edge... douoble ziblock bag it buy some whittie tighies and put that shit under your balls.... sit for 2o min in the car/ waiting room to make it body temp... works for me every time...



Well-Known Member
make sure you actually piss in the toilett and tear the corner while you are pissing(their ear is at the door)( but they dont get paid much)
unfortunately urinalysis tests have become rather dependable and accurate.

there are several different methods used, either one or all depending on false positives and such.

usually the only fool proof way to be absolutely, 100% way to be safe is to be clean without a doubt, clean ...

it also depends on what they are testing for ... cocaine, barbiturates, opiates, alcohol, etc. all or everything

you usually have a ceiling as well, usually with marijuana anything under a count of 50 nanograms may be considered clean but still would show and you may have some explaining to do, but in your situation i would not explain anything since its not for a PO or anything.


Well-Known Member
m8 drink gallons of pure orange juice then before ya go for ur test drink some more it fucks the test up i went for an army piss test and i was smoking like fuck the night before and a m8 who was in the army said to me to do it so i did and fuck all came up in the test but i suppose some1s piss that is drug free would work a charm and make sure its the same sex as you or ya could get caught out hope this helps


Duddeeee tuesday's tomorrow! Shit. Ight well run out to the store just to be safe and grab some activated charcoal tabs. Take like 5-6. It worked for me. In the mean time Drink lots of OJ, or Cranberry Juice and work out like hell!
Good luck


Well-Known Member
The day before I went to bootcamp my recruiter gave me a piss test and I still had green in my piss.
I drank water over and over till i was pissin every 10 minutes and still drinking till i felt like i was gonna throw up.
I passed. I never heard of the Orange juice method. It might work.
Drink water water water, more than a fish. The day of the test get some sure gel mix it with a couple bottles of water and chug it down. Make sure you do this at most 3 hours before the test, i would say 2 just to be safe. It lines your insides so the fat cells(which contains thc) in your body wont be absorbed in the piss.
Then make sure to take some type of multi vitamin so your piss isnt straight water. They'll say its too watered down if it is.
Or you could sneak in one of those mcdonalds salt packets or any salt packet, pour it in your piss and the piss analyzer will automatically reject the sample resulting in a clean test.