i used the synthetic urine at a designated drug testing center. they CAN'T pat u down. important sidebar, if it is for a federal job or military then it's the ol' one hand on the wall with an extra set of eyes on your junk. they tell you to empty your pockets into a bin, give you a cup and you walk into the bathroom and close the door. the toilet water is blue and the water is shut off. I tape the little flask(already preheated before i even went in)to the inside of my thigh high up with electrical tape so it wouldn't crinckle or make any noise. I even wore a pair of boxer briefs and taped the bottom of the boxers on the side of the bottle in case the bottle slipped out of it's tape it would be caught in my skivies and not drop on the floor. went in the bathroom and twisted the bottle without untaping it and poured it into the cup and pissed in the toilet. walked out and she checked the temp right there, initial this, initial that, and your smokin a bowl 20 minutes later. electrical tape is the key and not too tight obviously. You should research the test center you are going to. go to a smoke shop and ask employees if they are aware of the process at the place you have to piss. That's how i knew exactly what i was walking into. I've done the military testing and if you are dirty, you're fucked. passed one of those twice 4 days after smoking. metabolism was off the charts though.