Pissed of at some bad behavior...

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Well-Known Member
I just have to say something and get this off my chest. I joined this site to get advice and help with my personal private grow. I have severe diabetes with neuropathy so bad I can't feel my feet. I have severe anxiety as a result of my illness and with knowing I won't be able to work much longer. Cannabis is the only thing that provides relief without taking addictive pills. Why do other growers join this site just to tear down the new guys. WTF are you even doing on this site?? I see it every time I'm on this site. Some "well known member" talking shit to someone legitimately looking for advice, basically calling them dumb ass... So why are you on this site? Is it too feel like you have some authority cause you "grow better weed" than someone else? Or is it so you can virtue signal to everyone else here about your prowess and knowledge?? I just thought this was a community where people can help each other out cause we all have the same interests and obvious hobby?? Think about what you say to others before you say it. As a new Grower there is so much conflicting advice out there it's ridiculous to try to wade through it all. People are fallible and make mistakes. Even you were a dumb ass when you first started growing. Hopefully in the future there can be a set standard on growing and cultivating cannabis that can be used for reference to help first time growers. Nasty comments just set people back that are just looking for help. I read a comment on someone else's post that was just idiotic... This shit had to be said. If you get pissed at others peoples mistakes and don't have the patience to teach others, then shut the hell up and don't say anything and piss off....
Sorry to hear about your medical condition.

Having said that, what's the point of your post? If you can't take the heat then get out of the fire. Crying about what someone said on the internet is pretty lame.

You ask the question "So why are you on this site?". Why are you? You're the one that has a problem with it. It's not a bad site but lately there seems to be the daily crybaby whining about something.

Have a nice day.
Sorry to hear about your medical condition.

Having said that, what's the point of your post? If you can't take the heat then get out of the fire. Crying about what someone said on the internet is pretty lame.

You ask the question "So why are you on this site?". Why are you? You're the one that has a problem with it. It's not a bad site but lately there seems to be the daily crybaby whining about something.

Have a nice day.

Don’t be a bully
So to play devils advocate why do some join the site acting like they know it all even though they know nothing about growing? These are the ones I normally see take a beating here. When showing up humble and listening to advice you usually have a much better time on the site. Now I get what you mean, there are some that just seem to love acting like morons to others because putting down others seems to make them happy but in many cases it is the new users attitude that can dictate how their time here goes.

On another note, that "well known member" moniker means nothing. It takes nothing to achieve that title so it is of no use at all.

My best advice to new folks is take the time to read the room. Come in humble, read some journals before deciding who to ask questions, learn to use the ignore feature and a big one is don't ask for advice and than take the stand that the advice provided is wrong. Just say thanks for trying to help and move on. Also learn to accept when you are wrong, no reason to hide making mistakes. Just own them, you will learn more. Just some friendly advice.
I just have to say something and get this off my chest. I joined this site to get advice and help with my personal private grow. I have severe diabetes with neuropathy so bad I can't feel my feet. I have severe anxiety as a result of my illness and with knowing I won't be able to work much longer. Cannabis is the only thing that provides relief without taking addictive pills. Why do other growers join this site just to tear down the new guys. WTF are you even doing on this site?? I see it every time I'm on this site. Some "well known member" talking shit to someone legitimately looking for advice, basically calling them dumb ass... So why are you on this site? Is it too feel like you have some authority cause you "grow better weed" than someone else? Or is it so you can virtue signal to everyone else here about your prowess and knowledge?? I just thought this was a community where people can help each other out cause we all have the same interests and obvious hobby?? Think about what you say to others before you say it. As a new Grower there is so much conflicting advice out there it's ridiculous to try to wade through it all. People are fallible and make mistakes. Even you were a dumb ass when you first started growing. Hopefully in the future there can be a set standard on growing and cultivating cannabis that can be used for reference to help first time growers. Nasty comments just set people back that are just looking for help. I read a comment on someone else's post that was just idiotic... This shit had to be said. If you get pissed at others peoples mistakes and don't have the patience to teach others, then shut the hell up and don't say anything and piss off....

Did someone tell you what you didn’t want to hear and now you’re hurt because of it?
Some are purposely starting arguments and bad feelings and then when their prowess slips attack grammar and stupidity.

I can name a few but not like me it just pulls everyone else down and makes this their own private shit fest.

oh did you know from a botanical point of view grammar is actually a vegetable and not grammar at all cool botanists agree on that
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