Pissed of at some bad behavior...

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I just have to say something and get this off my chest. I joined this site to get advice and help with my personal private grow. I have severe diabetes with neuropathy so bad I can't feel my feet. I have severe anxiety as a result of my illness and with knowing I won't be able to work much longer. Cannabis is the only thing that provides relief without taking addictive pills. Why do other growers join this site just to tear down the new guys. WTF are you even doing on this site?? I see it every time I'm on this site. Some "well known member" talking shit to someone legitimately looking for advice, basically calling them dumb ass... So why are you on this site? Is it too feel like you have some authority cause you "grow better weed" than someone else? Or is it so you can virtue signal to everyone else here about your prowess and knowledge?? I just thought this was a community where people can help each other out cause we all have the same interests and obvious hobby?? Think about what you say to others before you say it. As a new Grower there is so much conflicting advice out there it's ridiculous to try to wade through it all. People are fallible and make mistakes. Even you were a dumb ass when you first started growing. Hopefully in the future there can be a set standard on growing and cultivating cannabis that can be used for reference to help first time growers. Nasty comments just set people back that are just looking for help. I read a comment on someone else's post that was just idiotic... This shit had to be said. If you get pissed at others peoples mistakes and don't have the patience to teach others, then shut the hell up and don't say anything and piss off....

Ima break this down a little bit.

You should not expect anyone to tread lightly for you just becuase you have mental health disorder, and this is something common in the mental health community that we think we somehow need to be treated like a fabriage egg because we suffer.
Im not excusing genuine asshole behavior but don't expect people to just treat you kinder just because you suffer from mental health

Our mental health struggles are not other peoples problems, we dont need to utilize our mental health as a manipulation tactic to make people feel bad for us and treat us differently.

Well known state and other status they are based on point counts not anything else.

If people are calling you a dumb ass you hit the report button and i come in to assist youve not done that

Additionally you can ignore anyone you dont like by hovering over their name and hitting ignore

Lastly like any form of social media our website uses anonymity so it can be pretty shitty, i agree, people on the internet have been assholes for a very long time, and that isnt specific to our forum in general so its not a rollitup issue so much as a social media issue in general

Again you didnt really take any steps except making a thread,you should go through the proper channels like report button and ignore feature so we the admins can actually help you

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