Pissed Off. Please HELP!


Well-Known Member
Tell "Bob" his plant was male and pull it (since it is the biggest plant, chances are it is male)...then move your grow or wait till you actually have the proper space. Problem solved.

mookie brown

Active Member
The reason I say ditch the grow is because too many people know. You should be the only one who knows. Nothing good is going to come out of this if you keep on keeping on down this path. Learn from it now before you learn from it by sitting behind bars because apparently your partner can't keep his mouth shut. If you do grow & give away 2/3 of your grow to them you can bet your sweet ass they will want some more on the following grow. You will find yourself starting to give your stash out for hushing them up. Fuck that, whats a month or 2 seriously before you can start up again being stealthy with guerrilla grows all over the place at the same time. I personally feel that would be best for you.
Definetely lots of good feedback. Going to be scrapping it soon. Show you guys pics of it a little later today.

Guerilla growing is my kind of growing. But living near the woods, i could very possibly do that. (Live in West Virginia, so i'd have to wait til spring)

It just sucks that one of my good friends thinks he has control of what happens to my hard work and money. His booze habit is so bad he can barely pay his mortgage.

The upcoming days i will keep you guys posted on what happens with this. I dont want it to, but it could get ugly.

Thank you everyone for all your support and help!! Definetely needed it since i've been freakin about this.