Pissed on my Plant


Well-Known Member
All houseboys are required to get my coffee.
Its because he shows his true arrogant and ignorant nature of being a theoretical know it all,theoretical because he doesn't actually know shit,lol:-P
Keep on ranting and raving you stupid kid,that's all your good for:clap:


Well-Known Member
Damn it, got to the thread a little too late to get involved in all of this. I was just going to laugh anyway...


Well-Known Member
I'm trying Lst right now and I had 2 quick questions.

1. I know lst is low stress, and stress slows the plants growth, how much does lst effect the speed of growth? How much longer can I expect it to make my grow?

2. I'm using string to tie down the main stem to the rim of the pot and the string always seems to anchor itself on the nodes where my preflowers ( those little white hairs that grow out) are growing. Is this bad for the preflowers?
dude, dont feel bad. I've read about a hundred books before i even went to a marijuana forum. when there is a nitrogen nutrient and as a last resort, you can use human urine. BUT you cannot just piss in your pot plant. you have to dilute it and what I read was 1 cup urine to 1 gallon of water. use as little as possible.


Active Member
1.)check out an lst grow. i think it just about stays on track. mine did. 2.) move the string again after it yields to bending or use some different line/string. Is it thin and cutting under pressure? 3.) Dig a hole to get rid of the plant in the back yard one night/early morning,and never tell people that you pissed on it.


Well-Known Member
pissing on some plants kill it. i have a lil pissing bush in the backyard i piss on when im out cooking/ smokin ect and it kills the leaves.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
lmao its so young im sure it would of been ok for now but urine does have nitrogen and theres nothin wrong with the organic way ;)


Active Member
Maybe if you poop on it then it will bring it back to live. But just remember to wipe w/ only the lower fan leaves but be careful not to break them off.

Lol. pissed on your plant

I have a spot in the lawn i piss on & it killed the grass, so i wouldn't recommend pissing on your plants :)
hahaha my dog used to piss on the same spot every day and all grass is yellow and all dead lol