Pistil TIPS browning at 3 weeks flowering?


Well-Known Member
I searched Google and this forum for an answer, but didn't find a definitive one. I noticed that just the TIPS of some of the plants' pistils are turning brown, and they're only 3+ weeks into flower. They've got a pretty cozy environment most of the time, but I have treated the resevoir they're growing in recently with GoGnats to help rid the room once and for all of them, but a few still linger. The bottle says it's compatible with all growing systems, and if it wasn't I think I would've seem something wrong the very next day or two. My question is, is the plant in some kind of shock or is it normal? I've got a considerable amount of experience in growing hydroponically, but I've never seen that happen before with other strains I've grown. The three I'm using now are all new to me. Other than that, things look fine. Is this something to be concerned about or is there more going on here? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
do you have males around anywhere? there might be seeds growing in them things. but it really shouldn't be a big deal. have you got pics?
do you have males around anywhere? there might be seeds growing in them things. but it really shouldn't be a big deal. have you got pics?
No, I have no males around anywhere. Are you trying to say that's indicative of pollination? God I hope not. I do use an active intake of fresh outside air, so it could be a remote possibility. And yes, I tried to take pics, but my camera is only 9 MP and they just didn't come out well at all. If I had a telephoto lens you'd be able to see, but with the one I have there's just too little detail for something so small.
oh if u dont have males then you should be good. i just had a male and a female and the pistols had seeds in them.. yeah we kinda need pics ya know. lol i wouldn't worry dude
true browing and wilting of the pistals is pollenation..but if they look a lil red / lil brown at 3 weeks you should start seein more bud growth and new white pistals as the old 1's wither..which is normal.. keep a close eye on it..

ohh edit..check under harvestind and curing..read fdd stickey thread on breeding.. and look at his macro pics page 1 or 2.. u can see wut pollenation definitively loooks like..im betting if u have no males only 3w. in then ur seeing new pistal growth and some older pistals dying making way for new 1s
Well, thanks for trying to help. If there's nothing I can do about it, time spent worrying about it is time wasted. There have got to be others out there that have seen this though. It just kinda bugs me not to know for sure.
true browing and wilting of the pistals is pollenation..but if they look a lil red / lil brown at 3 weeks you should start seein more bud growth and new white pistals as the old 1's wither..which is normal.. keep a close eye on it..

ohh edit..check under harvestind and curing..read fdd stickey thread on breeding.. and look at his macro pics page 1 or 2.. u can see wut pollenation definitively loooks like..im betting if u have no males only 3w. in then ur seeing new pistal growth and some older pistals dying making way for new 1s
Interesting. Do only some strains do that then? The strains I've grown in the past never really did that, at least that I can recall. :confused: Thanks for the help.
ya.. it still confuses me..but i notice it on random parts of my plants down low ussually on the popcorn bud roudn week 3 or 4 .. some withering and the 1's that are doing it have a premature orangish color on the pistals.. itll suprise me cause early on allthe pistals are white..then ill see that and be like shit wutTF. but then gradually new white pistals fill in. that or that 1 spot where it wuz seen st8 withers up and swells...and its prego. but if its only on a select bud spot it would stay right there...just watch it
Well, I just checked on the plants again, and it appears that almost ALL of the budding sites have the exact same look to them. They all appear to be doing it. Even if there was an errant gust of wind with male pollen in it, that somehow made its way into my growroom, I doubt there could've been enough pollen to seed every site, and every plant. My gut reaction tells me it's something having to do with the root system, or the nutrient solution. I've seen pollination before, in fact, years ago, I seeded an entire crop by accident, and it didn't quite look like what I've got here. I guess only time will tell. If it is the worst case scenario, I'll make sure to post back in this thread so others will no the tell signs of it. Only thing I can think of that's changed was having used that insecticide in the resevoir, and having done a recent sulphur burn. Like I said though, other than that, they look really healthy.
Everything turned out fine. It wasn't pollenation. The Black Kush strain definitely showed more signs of stress than any of the others regarding the pistil tips browning early, but it all worked out. Since then, I've changed my setup around a little, got more airflow in and out of the room, and have dialed in pH and nutrient levels. Bascially, worked out the kinks. The room now, is looking superb! I have a feeling it was just a combination of incorrect pH, too much light intensity, and trying to demand too much too fast.
What if it was? Im in the same position and I have been using regular applications of Neem Oil. All my plants have either a lack of pistils in general or distinct browning and withering. No seeds or seed pods, and they are 3 weeks into flowering. Could neem...or thrips be causing this? Ive also ruled out temperature and light burn.
That same thing is happenning in small amounts on my Panama Red, and my Acupolto Diamond's hybrid-4-5 weeks into flowering... New calyxs and stigmas are popping up at the same time though.... This definately sounds plausible and most likely...
true browing and wilting of the pistals is pollenation..but if they look a lil red / lil brown at 3 weeks you should start seein more bud growth and new white pistals as the old 1's wither..which is normal.. keep a close eye on it..

ohh edit..check under harvestind and curing..read fdd stickey thread on breeding.. and look at his macro pics page 1 or 2.. u can see wut pollenation definitively loooks like..im betting if u have no males only 3w. in then ur seeing new pistal growth and some older pistals dying making way for new 1s
Did you happen to foliar spray them close to when they started to brown?

Also what were your humidity levels when you sulpher burned?

Sounds like you had high humidity and burned sulpher or foliar sprayed a little late. When I spray a little late into formation, I notice the pistil darkening as you indicate. A week or two later they shoot newbies.
This is happening on one out of 10 of the blue cheese i growing this is strange as its 3 weeks into flower too and its only one out of the ten exact same strain so everyone thinks this is ok and they will eventually spring new pistil then never seen this before and it freaked me out a bit i thought it was turning male or something
I have the same problem on my sweeties strains there all doing it but my blue dream r fine I think it’s normal because more whit pistols r popping up


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Same thing here. 3 weeks flower and im a keep trippen thinking my plants are pollinated! Fat calyx and long bract. and brown. I’ve opened some bud sites and very small round balls at end of each pistil.


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It’s normal for the older flower to grow larger,it means that they havent been pollinated,and are bow closed,they cant be pollinated anymore.if it was pollinated you would see the seed swelling from the top of the flower and the flower itself would have been even larger.
Same thing here. 3 weeks flower and im a keep trippen thinking my plants are pollinated! Fat calyx and long bract. and brown. I’ve opened some bud sites and very small round balls at end of each pistil.
browning on the the pistils can be caused by almost anything . Wind , touching them . Pollination. Spraying stuff on them . Anything can make them brown .
I have 2 AK-47 and 1 seems to be doing this...Same everything on plants...


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