Pistil With No Hairs??


Well-Known Member
Do pistils sprout hairs Abosolutely Straight away? or can It remain a 'ball' like thing for a while? Please help!


Well-Known Member
um, okay i mean the thing that appears at the node you know, the thing that the hairs come out of.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean, although your panic depends on how long you've been waiting. Perhaps you've got a male??? Pics would be helpful, but the one thing I've learned about pot plants is that none of them grow exactly the same, and it ALWAYS takes longer than you imagine it should.
Just wait it out. See what happens.


Well-Known Member
Ill go try take a pic, my cam is pretty shit but ill try.

HERes a pic of sum bud I scored, just for the hell of it :hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
Nice bud...is it real sticky, or was it brick cured? looks like a hybrid off the Purps family, winner of the Vegas Cup. Pulled a bit earlier than the full harvest time, so it should be a talkative, energetic high...with hints of Currant and blackberry...
...naw man, I'm just fucking around, trying to sound like those wine fags....
But it looks good man, happy smoking!


Well-Known Member
Argh! camera too shitty

Anyway I took sum pics of my plant, What do u think?
also look at the pic of the top of the plant, it looks alot different then b4 12/12 switch, could this be preperation for budz?



Well-Known Member
Nice bud...is it real sticky, or was it brick cured? looks like a hybrid off the Purps family, winner of the Vegas Cup. Pulled a bit earlier than the full harvest time, so it should be a talkative, energetic high...with hints of Currant and blackberry...
...naw man, I'm just fucking around, trying to sound like those wine fags....
But it looks good man, happy smoking!
Bwahahaha thought you were being serious and was like 'WOah holy crap!'


Well-Known Member
To get pix of the details on plants, esp for preflowers get a magnifying glassing and put it over the lens of the camera when you take the pic...works like a charm..


Well-Known Member
How many weeks has it been on 12/12? It looks like a very well watered, well nuted plant. It looks, (this is me being serious this time) like a Sativa heavy hybrid. Those branches are definitely Sativa, but the leaves are Indica--I have the opposite on my one Bubblegum. Long, slender sativa leaves but built like an Indica.

It's tough to tell, but with the growth you have, what I think, just guessing here, is that your light source is in the green/blue spectrum and your soil is in the Nitrogen heavy range. YOu're not using LEDs are you? That's great for veg, but you HAVE to switch lights into an orange/red spectrum, unless you are using floros or natural sun, which have them all in lower levels. Either way, flowering plants need more phosphorus and potash than vegging plants. Nitrogen is for babies...That might be what is slowing your flowering cycle...you are still treating them like veggies except for the hour cycle, and they are having trouble reacting.

Like I said, wait a week or two before really freaking. Check out picks of males and females, and use your judgment. Plants do what they do. They just take more time than you think they should. Based on those photos, my gut tells me that you have a female, but MILF is right, those shots don't really show much. Worse case scenario though, take care of it and learn how...even if you get jack shit from your grow, you'll still learn. I have killed more plants than I've harvested, but every time that ratio gets smaller because I'm learning.
I feel bad trying to give advice on this site, due to how many real live old school growers here that know WAY more than me, but take my advice for what it's worth as someone who is in the same boat you are, and has learned from really depressing mistakes...Just keep growing.

If you have other females around, do the rational thing and separate this one until you know what's up. If it's your only baby, then watch her, and dude, dude, dude, I cannot stress this enough--if it's the only one and it's a male, it won't take too much time to mature and produce pollen. I would love to get my hands on some pollen now, whereas when I started, I avoided it at all costs. You want to produce crops, you need males at some point.
Still, like I said, looks like a girl who is taking her time flowering, but don't quote me on that.

God bless em for getting me high.


Well-Known Member
THanx for the compliments dude!
My plant has been vegged under a 400W HPs and is flowering under it aswell.
Plant has been flowering for a week and a half. should it have shown by now?



Well-Known Member
A week and a half???
Dude, smoke a fatty, chill and sit back...there is about a week where, just cause you switched the cycle, they don't know what's up. Plants are pretty intense, and they do things on their own time.

You know what put my mind at ease? Check out YOutube for stop action plant growth marijuana, or some such search. When you watch them grow, you realize how long it takes, and what they are actually doing.

You might have to sing up to youtube to see the adult content, but it's worth it. When you see plants grow, it makes more sense as to why it takes so long for them to grow.
Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
YeS! it turned out to be a female after all, Lots of tiny white hairs have sprouted :mrgreen: