Pistils are gone?


New Member
So my plants are 2 weeks into flowering (outdoor) & I noticed the pistils were brown at first & almost completely gone. At first I thought maybe to much sun?? But then the buds stopped growing and I honestly don't know what it is.. the top of the plant is perfectly normal & you could tell the growth difference. If anyone has any advice or ideas as to what it is itd be gladly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
They look super crispy, and is that mite damage on the leaves?

Outdoors. In pots or in the ground? What's the size and medium?

Are you feeding anything?

What's been your average temps and humidity? And how much direct sun per day?


New Member
I honestly don't know. They're in the ground & I stopped feeding them anything cause I thought maybe it was that as well. I was giving them fish & kelp. Avg temps are around 90-105 & they get 5-6 hours of light. Humidity is 15-25%


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty hot. There are gardening misters that combine a fan and a fine sprayer nozzle, that can drop temps considerably. I have no idea how much those cost, but I know they work.

What about watering? At temps that high, even in the ground, you probably need to water a lot. The leaves look really crispy.

What's your soil like? Sandy? Loamy? Did you amend the native soil, or buy new stuff in bags?
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New Member
This is my 2nd grow in the same spot & last time I didn't have these problems. I bought some soil from the hydroponics place in truckload.