Pistils turning brown before buds grow

I can’t tell from those pictures. You sure it’s not just young shoots that start out a darker color before emerging?
some other causes of browning could be russet mites, but I don’t see any leaf curl.
its not time yet, you are probably seeing preflower pistils. My original glue outdoors are from clone and have been throwing single pistils at the internodes the entire summer.
Yes they are singles. I tried to take better pics but I couldn't get good ones. Them pics are bout a month old. Ill post up to date pic tomorrow and get a couple up close
I've just been feeding it straight rain water. The plant was given to me. This is my first plant so any suggestions would awesome
Its forming more pistils. The pistils are white I'm might have freaked a little early like I said I'm a noob to this. Very bottom leaves are Browning but I believe it's cause they are not getting good. I want to clip the bottom 2 branches off is it safe to do. Its has 4 per node now. I was told not to clip if it's in flowering stage.