Pistils turning brown week 3

Foliars should be applied at low ppm levels, they are mainly useful when you mess up your roots (leaves look less than perfect). They provide another vector for nutrients to get where they are needed as a top-up to what the root is able to provide. Even plain water foliar can be good if things run hot and humidity low. Fertiliser aside, the difference between a healthy leaf and a dying one is that the healthy leaf is colder than the surrounding air. A water foliar can act as a crutch in extreme conditions. You MUST have enough airflow to dry things up again.
There is so much hype and over-exaggerated claims regarding "miracle"plant boosting sprays. 95% of it is all bullshit. I stand with hydrored, don't keep wasting your money on all these bs products. Unless you do a true side by side comparison- one a control batch, and a trial batch with the exact same everything you'll never know if any of that stuff really worked anyhow. I've been growing indoors for ~20+ years. Over that time, very few foliage products truly deliver the performance they promise. And more often than not, do more harm than good.
I just looked up that foliar essence, they don't recommend spraying on buds. Only using it up to the first or second week of flowering, which is before the buds start to form. Foliae didn't say anything about foliar feeding during flowering that I could find. Snow storm was the only one that said to use it all the time, and I would highly disagree with that crap.

As I said once before, quit listening to miracle voodoo crap that say they can miraculously make your buds bigger/faster. You are just wasting a lot of money on unnecessary crap that does nothing.

Gotch ya im in week 4, soo no more foliar. Got it.
people recommend a lower humidity lvl in flower anyways bc higher humidy can cause bud rot so spraying on top of that increases chances of mold and bud rot even more i think as sated earlier in the thread
If you want moldy buds full of bud rot that taste awful, spray them. Anything you spray on them will stay on them. If you want healthy clean buds, never spray anything on them at all, not even clean water.
Those poor outdoor plants.... All that nasty rain. WTF was Ma Nature thinking??
Ohh okay,

I mean my humidity is constantly between 35-40%.

Temp is at 65-75

So i think those two numbers are good.

I will just feed and cut down on feed too. I think i have been feeding alot. I am going to skip a feeding. And just water to bring the ppms down. I checked the run off and it was high
people recommend a lower humidity lvl in flower anyways bc higher humidy can cause bud rot so spraying on top of that increases chances of mold and bud rot even more i think as sated earlier in the thread
Those poor outdoor plants.... All that nasty rain. WTF was Ma Nature thinking??
sometimes you see that the rain slows down alot or if we get heavy rain in fall crops including marijuana in most sates outdoors anyways gets mold or some issues not all bbut some
Ohh okay,

I mean my humidity is constantly between 35-40%.

Temp is at 65-75

So i think those two numbers are good.

I will just feed and cut down on feed too. I think i have been feeding alot. I am going to skip a feeding. And just water to bring the ppms down. I checked the run off and it was high
i feed once a week others clai you have to feed everytime some say feed feed water ect. less is more
Many spores pack all the moisture they need. Keep your plants healthy and in the right VPD zone.
Photosynthesis, cooling, and nutrient uptake will be maximal because the goddam stomata can open up properly.
This leads to strong immune systems.

YEs, many people do reduce it drastically to prevent botrytis. There are other ways to reduce the incidence of same.
DAMN.... I hope it slows down a lot. Shit could get Biblical.
WTF did this mean???
did you not read what was posted? they said it rains blah blah, and i was stating the rain isnt as constant basically and that it slows down around fall or harvst time if it doesnt they usually damage crops.