pitbudz87 first grow journal

yeah it was over a stupid fuckin dogfight too but yeah i aint got any trouble with the law ya know i just have some unpaid parking tickets and my shit is little man i dont really know if i have enough to do time im sure cuz im in texas but it is all for personal use and i am serious about that i dont plan on gettin rid of anything man i think i am gonna tell the few people who do know about it they died cuz it got to cold and just take the shame but i can have glory on here and my lil bro will know and big bro and one best friend who is like a bro
yeah it was over a stupid fuckin dogfight too but yeah i aint got any trouble with the law ya know i just have some unpaid parking tickets and my shit is little man i dont really know if i have enough to do time im sure cuz im in texas but it is all for personal use and i am serious about that i dont plan on gettin rid of anything man i think i am gonna tell the few people who do know about it they died cuz it got to cold and just take the shame but i can have glory on here and my lil bro will know and big bro and one best friend who is like a bro
you right my boy!Nothing like a big bro to watch out for the younger one.But ya know i was just sayin.......when i harvest i aint tryin to make no money off a couple ounces that im gonna end up paying for....This is the whole point of growing to me.NOT TO HAVE TO PAY FOR BUD!Stay up you 2!
yeah man real talk^^ and yeah that has been my aim from the beginning was to grow for me cuz i am tired of paying for a fake name they made up 5 minuite before i got there and 20 a g for bunk ass shit so i jumped into this headfirst and i aint goin back. i love it
yeah man real talk^^ and yeah that has been my aim from the beginning was to grow for me cuz i am tired of paying for a fake name they made up 5 minuite before i got there and 20 a g for bunk ass shit so i jumped into this headfirst and i aint goin back. i love it
haha i only do this when i get it dank and there is no name and the person wanting it wants a name and doesnt just accept "it's dank". like i had something that smelled like a cross between sweettooth and shoreline and called it sweetline haha the reall stoners accept the word dank and "idk it doesnt have a name" so i dont do it to them not tryin to offend anyone just thought this was funny
yeah man i did the same damn thing when i was gettin rid of it for my bro who passed and his came straight out of orgeon and denver yeah and these kids are trying to sell me bunk ass shit with good names so they make their money like they are gettin a quater for 90 and sellin it for 120 and a eigth for 60 to 65 but dumbass slipped up and was poppin his mouth when i was over there and i heard but fuck em im their main buisness and pretty soon they wont have any buisness
yeah man i did the same damn thing when i was gettin rid of it for my bro who passed and his came straight out of orgeon and denver yeah and these kids are trying to sell me bunk ass shit with good names so they make their money like they are gettin a quater for 90 and sellin it for 120 and a eigth for 60 to 65 but dumbass slipped up and was poppin his mouth when i was over there and i heard but fuck em im their main buisness and pretty soon they wont have any buisness
yea then you should pop him in the mouth
yeah he is my cousin but he gets on my fuckin nerves and i would crush his face so i cant hit him but i can scare the shit out of him
well his dude has been talkin shit about some of my boys in the hood and he popped his mouth off too me the other day and next time im gonna beat the shit out of his dude cuz his guy knows we are cousins that guy is a little bigger than me but im gonna fuck him up and do it over there and after i do it im gonna tell my cousin to get fucked cuz he aint makin no more money off me and he will loose a lot of buisness and he cant have that
well his dude has been talkin shit about some of my boys in the hood and he popped his mouth off too me the other day and next time im gonna beat the shit out of his dude cuz his guy knows we are cousins that guy is a little bigger than me but im gonna fuck him up and do it over there and after i do it im gonna tell my cousin to get fucked cuz he aint makin no more money off me and he will loose a lot of buisness and he cant have that
hahahaha welcome to how we do things in texas to everyone else hahaha
haha fuckin eh! sounds like some shit we do often just beat the sit outta folks for runnin off at the mouth hahaha!!!
as said by katt williams "we some goddang bullies, we be on CNN say our name bitch say it, see if we dont come over there and bomb your whole country" and you know the president was from texas haha
yeah and for not listening to their older brother when he says stay the fuck out of the closet during the day when dad is here lol. i hope im not the only one laughing about this comment