pitbudz87 first grow journal

well i had a padna in cali that would send through the mail..hes from my area though..that was a while back i dont know what happened to him..wish i still had the connect though..it was fire.now i gotta take an hour and half drive just to get kind
damn homie thats crazy i just got through talkin to my main dude and he got out of the game in my city cuz i couldent make a trip to denver and there has been a shortage of good nugs well i got on to the connect who has a medical card up there but he is charging some outrageous prices but saying it is quality so i hit him up with im bringing a scope my man and checkin dont bullshit me but man my dude tried to send it in the mail a couple of times after i couldent go and it worked a few then the last it dident so he said fuck it and got out he cant afford the charges anyway so shit im bout to do my thang see what happens
damn homie thats crazy i just got through talkin to my main dude and he got out of the game in my city cuz i couldent make a trip to denver and there has been a shortage of good nugs well i got on to the connect who has a medical card up there but he is charging some outrageous prices but saying it is quality so i hit him up with im bringing a scope my man and checkin dont bullshit me but man my dude tried to send it in the mail a couple of times after i couldent go and it worked a few then the last it dident so he said fuck it and got out he cant afford the charges anyway so shit im bout to do my thang see what happens
You gotta ship it DHL! i got a padna that works for em well 2...they dope dealers and they said the DHL offices from LA to TX is just so ghetto they aint worried about whats in the box...he said they just scan it like at wal mart and literally THROW it on the truck...I would like to do that too if icould find someone trustworthy!But ship DHL!
hell yea man thanks for the info and if all goes how im wanting ill get you some im sure we can come up with somethin man
purp my dude called me an hour ago and was makin the trip he got the ends togther fast mane he wasent bullshittin
purp my dude called me an hour ago and was makin the trip he got the ends togther fast mane he wasent bullshittin
kool man i deffinitely dont like bullshitters..You know all a man has with me is his word..now i know in the d-game shit dont always go as supposed but ..its whatever homie...we ciuld figure sumthin out.
kool man i deffinitely dont like bullshitters..You know all a man has with me is his word..now i know in the d-game shit dont always go as supposed but ..its whatever homie...we ciuld figure sumthin out.
thats real talk man and that is all a man had his word and his hand shake, yea and i hope homeboy comes through shit i guess i will see
hell yea man thats whats up man i have one bud left from harvest and i am waiting on dude to come through
cant smoke regular shit no more...it does nothing for me! and they still chargin 100.00 oz for dirt ass shwag..starit dirt...i dont even like putting that shit in my lungs..and it helps me stay on a lower dosage of xanax daily.If i lived in Cali. i wouldnt even take xanax!they got all that flamin azz bud and hash and oils and shit i aint never done!
word man yea i dont smoke swag either i hate that shit it is goin for like 70 an oz here but shit i havent smoked swag in about a year and i definatly havent bought any since the summer of 07
word man yea i dont smoke swag either i hate that shit it is goin for like 70 an oz here but shit i havent smoked swag in about a year and i definatly havent bought any since the summer of 07
hell yea thats whats up fa real!im glad i found someone thats on the same fuckin page as me!Cause these cats round here(my area) are on sum othershit for real!
same here homie and im like wtf why do yall keep buying that shit thats why it is around start buying good and the prices will go down cuz there will be buisness but they dont listen man but o well as long as im gettin mine im good
same here homie and im like wtf why do yall keep buying that shit thats why it is around start buying good and the prices will go down cuz there will be buisness but they dont listen man but o well as long as im gettin mine im good

huh thats what im sayin..do you my boy
man you doin a hydro grow??You should have got atleast 400w man!AHHH..itll do though!i got 400w hid and wish i would have got the 600w cause that cooltube with the fan makes a whole world of difference!Like night and day!And you can make a cooltube easy!
well we have another one coming and we r gonna make cooltubes where do you suggest to get the plastic my brother is trying to order it off the internet and we already have another light coming here from a nother address so yeah im parionid about shit and no no hydro grow still soil i have a cloner though and i put one of the 9 bagseed in it to try and save it so i will see how it goes with it it is pretty droopy now
cool cool thanks man, say i went outside this mornin to check on my dogs ans my tan and white one duke his damn face is the size of a damn basketball its so swollen on one side he is gonna have to go to the vet today i think if this dosent get any better
cool cool thanks man, say i went outside this mornin to check on my dogs ans my tan and white one duke his damn face is the size of a damn basketball its so swollen on one side he is gonna have to go to the vet today i think if this dosent get any better

Fuckin right get that dog to the vet before sum major infection sets in you know these dogs have a natural skin disease...Well we made the decision to clip his nuts..my mom and my girl think its gonna calm him down..i say its in the blood...We shall see! You got that good bud yet homie?Isteadily passin these niggas smokin dro they think they got somethin with that BS they smokin on and wonder why i dont wanna buy from them,,i told em,,shit, nigga dont be mad at me be mad at the nigga you gettin ta shit for!Check him bout the shit!Its about quality more than quantity now dayz