Pitbudz87 new grow two plants in beer pong cups 24/7 lights


Well-Known Member
Alright guys here is the setup ive got two plants in a dwc im gonna transplant them to soil and ive got others germin got another thread goin also u can check out pics there the new setup is goin into the box with two 150 watt replacement lights and a 42 watt replacement light so pics tomorrow guys


Active Member
will b watching this rite here. im starting my own grow hopefully soon using the same method u used starting the seeds 12/12. i dnt have much room and i like how they stay short n stealthy


Well-Known Member
will b watching this rite here. im starting my own grow hopefully soon using the same method u used starting the seeds 12/12. i dnt have much room and i like how they stay short n stealthy
thanks brother click on the first link in my journal and go check out the pics there i just discorved this mornin when i was in there that i have another female so whoo hoo but remember these wont be 12 12 24/7 with the lights on this one go to the other thread for 12 12 id be happy to awnser any questions anyone has about that method ive been through 3 1/2 grows that way and never had a problem excpt the 1/2 part i lost electricity in the new house and lost 7 girls but im back at it got 2 gettin close to harvest pics soon


Well-Known Member
hell yeah new journal cant wait to see it gettin shit reminds me i gotta update i keep forgetting shit well damn so 24/0 this time i wanna see this ur puttin em back in the old box rite ?


Well-Known Member
hell yeah new journal cant wait to see it gettin shit reminds me i gotta update i keep forgetting shit well damn so 24/0 this time i wanna see this ur puttin em back in the old box rite ?
yea back to the old box it is painted white on the inside and the two i picked are the two i had in the dwc i transplanted them this morning hope it goes well ive got 9 seeds germin tho so we will see im syncin my phone now for pics to upload


Well-Known Member
i know i know it needs another coat of paint its bout to be really cold so ill ge tsome more cans and i dident paint the cardboard yet i am havin a party next week so i had to clean up the room so i got stuff the way i wanted it for now


Well-Known Member
hell yeah its been a cold motherfucker outside haha i guess i hadnt seen this box well hell ya need to turn those lights sideways tho itll spread the light better and some beer can reflectors would help too


Well-Known Member
he should have plenty of beer can reflectors soon..

but pit, if your doin 24/0 how are u gon flower?
haha yea man i sure will but im gonna make these mothers or clone em so that means im gonna get em big as fast as i can and take clones and throw it into the closet and see the sex if i have a male ill get rid of that plant if i have a emale ill put it in a bigger container and keep it goin with topping and lst so i can take a steady supply of clones off of itbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well i have 4 that hav epopped out of nine and the two on the box are growing good ive ordered two differemt strains that are on the way so im gonna contuniue with this


Well-Known Member
which ones you popped ?either way thier gonna be dank and i kno the ones growin are from howak rite?


Well-Known Member
which ones you popped ?either way thier gonna be dank and i kno the ones growin are from howak rite?
the new seeds from my brother got 4 of em up, but thats for the other thread lol and yea the two in this box are from howack as well as the three i have flowering so give him rep everyone he deserves it hell of a guy


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man i cant wait to see if they look like they are too and blue mistic from the pics they got it looks like its so damn compact but hell thats a seed bank shot haha but thatd be sweet if it comes out like that tooo