Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.


Well-Known Member
alright guys here is my update im off to start on my greenhouse nd find some pepper seeds nd tomato seeds to get em started for outside this yr i need to think what other strains i wanna run out there
Buds are lookin good homie, them other plants will fill in nicely, should be another good harvest bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thanks man ive got ma fingers crossed lol waitin on tha clones to root then they r goin into the waterfarm im gonna start my outdoor veggies soon as i can get some seeds


Well-Known Member
ya and then flower as soon as the other plants come out they will stay in the tent until the closet is full ill prolly take a clone or two off the ww to keep as a mother and out one outside then flower the rest nd get it goin im makin a greenhouse now


Well-Known Member
alright guys here is my update im off to start on my greenhouse nd find some pepper seeds nd tomato seeds to get em started for outside this yr i need to think what other strains i wanna run out there
hahahahaha is that stars an bars i see??? your plants look dank.. the widows are hella indica looking.... also that african cichlid is very colorful.. i like the bigger south american ones myself.... freddie is a red eared slider? and good call on the compost..... let some cow manure age over winter and it should be good to go in the spring


Well-Known Member
yea man i jus talked with her im going to her house today or tomorrow and build a bigger compost and clean her chiken coops and build another for more lol im also workin on a greenhouse and im going to get a bearded dragon as soon as freddie gets some more size on him im going to put him back into the 65 gallon tank


Well-Known Member
o yea your damn right its stars and bars brotha southern born southern bred and when i die ill be southern dead!!


Well-Known Member
thanks man im gonna try and get started tomorrow on the rest of my greenhouse i may jus build the frame and wait to plastic it till a bit leter on in the season


Active Member
The green house, I took horticulture for a year in high school, and we grew poinsettias for Christmas. I loved the class... but Computers took me into the IT field. I have allways wanted my own GH after that.


Well-Known Member
well here is a simple method man build a square frame out of wood however big you want it jeep it longer than wider and then get some pvc 1/2 inch and then they sell clips that u can screw into they look kinda like this { and jus screw em in bend the pvc to the other side and there ya go go get yourself some painters plastic and clamp it on or use velcro then make a door you can cuztomize it however you want


Well-Known Member
alright guys well today ive been lazy i just went nd turned the compost ive had goin i reall have to make some tumblers it sucks doing it by hand with a shovel im in good shape nd my arms feel like jello im gonna build two one for chiken nd horse nd coe shit nd egs banna peels nd ny veggies we have leftover the other will be what i have going i use my dogs shit as well have plenty of it lol so it will be in the second the mesurments for the greenhouse will be about 10 to 12 ft long and about 4 ft wide and its prolly gonna be 6 ft high i may have to use conetcors nd 2 sections of pvc for each hoop and then there will be peices linked togther throughout the whole length all anchored to probably 2x6s and those will be staked down im makin this to be able to take it with me the plastic will be easily replaced but thats whats in the works for m eim thinkin about starting my plants here really soon for the outdoor season for my veggies i already have my setup for inside