Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Autistic Austin

New Member
Also, cats are waaaaaaay harder to correct bad behavior, especially inside cats. Last one I had he would knock shit over on purpose and never listened when I repeatedly told him to get down off the counters. He wouldn't move until I'd stand up, fucking dicks cats are.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Also, cats are waaaaaaay harder to correct bad behavior, especially inside cats. Last one I had he would knock shit over on purpose and never listened when I repeatedly told him to get down off the counters. He wouldn't move until I'd stand up, fucking dicks cats are.
you don't train cats. cats train you.

edit: i have no idea why that picture is so big


Well-Known Member
dogs piss on a carpet and tuck tail between the legs when you yell. cats are trained to shit in a box because their smart. a dog will eat its shit, cats wont. cats refuse to unclean, dogs will sit in their shit and filth, never will a cats sleeping area be dirty, kid you not.
you sure bout that?



Active Member
If I saw some one doing this I'm afraid I'd have to kick that dude in the nuts as hard as I could!!!
all you guys are being ultra sensitive, damn. Thats something you do with a dog, i do it all the time with my boston terrier mix. Granted she didn't do it the right way but they don't choke(as long as you dont blow od and hold their mouth closed) the air comes outta the mouth. People do it cause its hilarious and makes a funny noise if you have a dog with massive lips. [video=youtube;vrWpLnfSCjM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrWpLnfSCjM[/video]